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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I suppose the Noch boss'n'secretaries liven up rather dull low relief office blocks, and the "ladies of negotiable affection" would be appropriate for the back streets of any Minories layout...
  2. Better to do Llangollen on the canal, 20mph seems like speedy luxury compared with the average narrowboat 4mph pace!
  3. Off to the western fringes of the Lake District for a long weekend break, the date chosen unerringly long in advance. I anticipate growing webbed feet by the end of the weekend! Hey ho....
  4. Venus Arising From The Spagbol?
  5. I don't know if any other ERs have encountered Ben Aaronovitches "Rivers of London" novels, but that looks uncannily like Molly from the Folly serving PB. She also has an eclectic, even disturbing take on food, especially if she "likes" you...
  6. Just back from being flu jabbed. Too early to tell if my arm is going to fall off... It hasn't on previous occasions, so I don't think it's going to start now! Quick update, arm still happily attached and not aching at all!
  7. Are they the company that produced the Retro Hornby locos for the Centenary year? I like the Retro set in the wooden box!
  8. Well, if you insist on walking about in shorts and sandals....
  9. I think a subtext of the song might be that philately will get you everywhere.... Then there are the paens to the ordinary working man and
  10. But can you still make a 999 call from it? Could be useful...
  11. Thats a bit "precise", all thats needed is a 5lb lump hammer....
  12. Though you could always put it on ths Coventry Canal.... https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/canals-and-rivers/coventry-canal 🤪🤪🤪
  13. At our school the "metalwork" department had 4.5"and 6" Boxfords. I imagine that they're long since gone in favour of the next big thing, repeated several times... I mean, it was a dangeous place, apart from the lathes, there was a large mechanical hacksaw for cutting stock to size, pillar drills, a shaping machine and at the end of the workshop, a forge! We could have created Saurons Rings of Power from first principles*. I think modern educators would be aghast at the thought of a spotty fourth year in charge of a Boxford, but we WERE taught to respect the machinery, observe safe working practices and didn't @rse about when given the chance to use the stuff. It also helped that it was too much like hard work for the jokers to take the Workshop Theory and Practice option. That reminds me, I still have the machine screwdriver I made back then, octagonal bar handle turned up in a lathe and centre bored to insert the screwdriver blade that was brazed into it. I just need to tidy up the tip of the blade and case harden it. Good as new, eh! * Well, I think thats what the Sixth Form were up to...
  14. I'd have their browser caches investigated.... Back to glasses cases. I've a couple of "inexpensive" cases that I got from Home Bargains a while ago, rather than springs/buttons/whatever, they close with a zip around 2/3rds of the case. The main advantage is that they're not as difficult to open as some sprung cases, and they don't try to bite your fingers off when closing them! And so far, they're durable!
  15. Are you sure you live in "the carpet capital of the midlands"? Sounds more Norfolkish to me.... 🙃
  16. I used the "doorhinge" alignment/board connector method on a layout. Choose the right size hinge and the pins are easy to extract and reuse. But don't lose or forget the pins...
  17. Lego? Shuffle, don't tread!
  18. And, take your tie off in the workshop!
  19. So PB has TWO Bentleys??? I think I'd have the second if he's done with it, can't be doin' with LHD..... Also, the LHD one seems to have an "adapted" windscreen for his nose, and something seems to have happened to the wingmirrors...!
  20. Hroth

    EBay madness

    You need to clear your browser cache every now and then so ebay can't track your views!
  21. Obviously the types who NEVER rtfm....
  22. They also tried setting fire to English estate agents in the cottage trade, but for some reason they didn' t burn as well...
  23. Its a place in the midlands with the WCML running through (I think)...
  24. Mary had a little lamb She also had a bear I've often seen her little lamb I've never seen her....
  25. They had the add-on dish washing basket, but it never got used. I expect the sequence of washing would have been important, you wouldn't want to wash the dishes immediately after doing the "smalls"..... I do like the idea of drying the plates via the mangle!
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