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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Although the poor eyesight might also be attributable to hard studying in poor lighting conditions.... And being able to form a tube with the tip of ones tongue provides you with a built in pea-shooter!
  2. You go all the way to the bottom, take arty (fuzzy) shots of the water at the bottom, then you have to claw your way back to the top.... But it is very pretty! Couldn't find my fuzzy water snaps, but the Pin Mill is nice!
  3. One does assume they have an indoor bathroom....
  4. Wear and tear on footware and suitable clothing, he's got to be there come rain, come shine. Then there's his employee (the dog). What if he gets bored of chasing gulls? It might be a good idea to have more dogs, on a rota to keep them fresh and add some competition. More expense!
  5. He could be promoted. To Glory......
  6. In Aldi this morning, I noticed a lightweight "Rotary Tool" for 15 quid. https://www.aldi.co.uk/p/732298755733400?utm_source=Aldi&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=InStoreThursday&utm_campaign=TWAA231023&utm_cid=DM359978&utm_hid=%40Q5oKscKroI9TUnYIxTFaBoU30g%2FKZnRtN%2F3aa0nTBcI%3D&cid=DM359978&bid=712575600 It might come in useful for occasional slicing and dicing... There was also a rechargable soldering tool... https://www.aldi.co.uk/ferrex-4v-soldering-iron/p/731475755463800
  7. I didn't realise the Bear was having an Egyptian holiday.....
  8. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so as I can't be @rsed typing so many.... https://www.standard.co.uk/homesandproperty/interiors/grand-designs-series-17-episode-8-budget-industrialchic-box-house-in-the-wirral-suburbs-upsets-the-neighbours-and-wins-them-back-round-a106186.html The redeeming feature of the original building was that it was mostly hidden behind the sandstone wall...
  9. My purveyor had two copies of 298. I'll have a look next week, they may have worked their way oop north by then....
  10. This morning, I followed a BMW and an Audi. Both turned off the main road without signalling at all... I suppose it saves wear and tear on the indicators and improves the residual values!
  11. Reminds me of Moist von Lipwig explaining the steps taken to eliminate a similar problem to Lord Vetinari in "Making Money"...
  12. Looks like something from Clarkson era Top Gear... 🤔
  13. There is a local "Grand Designs" building, broadcast a few years ago, which is essentially a wood-clad shoebox on a concrete plinth. In the introduction, Kevin toured the district looking at the vernacular architecture, which consists mainly of Edwardian villas for the comfortably off. The GD building looks like a monsterous carbuncle in comparison...
  14. Very impressive, but a trifle impractical for a desk fan... 🤪
  15. No, sometimes your characterisation is charitable, and the actuality is worse than can be imagined...
  16. Jet-powered Sphinx! Biddulph Grange Gardens NT (Whoosh!!!)
  17. And there are those that are convinced that a wristwatch with a digital display is more "accurate"....
  18. Hroth

    EBay madness

    You might also include the rule that "collectors" don't actually intend to use the item they so desire.
  19. My mother and grandmother would make the Christmas cake around then, and store it in an airtight tin, opening it at intervals to "feed" it with sherry and rum before taking it out to air a bit and layer on about three quarters of an inch of marzipan followed by armour-plated icing. It was a jolly good cake! They also observed the tradition of Stir-Up Sunday when the Christmas pud was constructed. Again it was something that was treated to regular "feeding" before Christmas Day.... ION Back again after a slightly soggy long weekend in the Western Lake District, with splendid views over Sellafield*, amongst other places... Entertainment included an administration of rain and steam** on the Lakeside and Haverthwait railway. The tomtom also played its little tricks of trying to send us around the "faster" white roads, where we were held up at a level crossing to see two Class 156 DMUs pass in opposite directions, the gates being manually operated by a Network Rail operative... Back to normal now.... Hey Ho! * Sadly not misty, so we couldn't see the traditional orange glow about the site... ** The engine crew watering a thirsty "Princess"...
  20. Just turn up in the Great Red Shark...
  21. Its a self cleaning mechanism, keeps dirty water off the spectacle glasses...
  22. Since I've moved, nearly two years ago, I've regularly had items of mail apparently addressed to previous occupants. I merely circle the address, write " Not at this address" alongside it and stick it on the pile awaiting a journey to a postbox when I can get around to it....
  23. It probably means that the camera is there to FILM dummies!
  24. TBH, I don't think I will be paying much attention to the fag end of this season. When does 2024 start?
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