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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Isn't that a Judith Edge kit? There must be a fair few about, but not as many as the Hornby ones! But "Code 3"? Whazzat?
  2. Battened down the hatches and NOBODY knocked on the door, so a big win there!!!
  3. Another fine Sirius Cybernetics Corporation product!
  4. To be honest, if anyone tried to fob me off with an electronic birthday or Xmas card, I'd be adding their names and addresses to all sorts of junk email lists... I just thought, another unwanted thing about Xmas is that this thread re-emerged two months before Xmas! Never mind....
  5. Nice bit of weathering! But 1st Radius curves are of no use to anyone.... 🙃
  6. Referred to by crews as the "Shagbat", amongst other epithets...
  7. Its terribly difficult to get the congealed mess out of the bottom of the pan...
  8. Y'know, I was just starting to think about what to have for lunch.... Later, perhaps?
  9. That must be the oil-fired one with the P2 style smokebox and the odd dusbin sized chimney as used on the Southern....
  10. Having to think of suitable presents. Wrapping said presents. Writing Christmas cards (and trying not to send the same ones as last year...). Trying to think of plausible excuses for not attending Xmas parties. Putting up Christmas decorations. And if anyone gives me a tub of Quality Street...... Bah! Humbug!!!
  11. But they became refugees after the Wise Men visited, and Herod decided on a cull of male children under the age of two. "The flight into Egypt". At least the Romans hadn't closed the borders back then...
  12. I know I clicked "Funny", but its all rather sad and gloopy.... Pass me another box of hankies!
  13. But that would be their Skiffle incarnation..... John and Paul as "The Silver Beetles"....
  14. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Yes, Princess Elizabeth. Though in many ways better than the Triang OO version in the early 50s! If they had continued with O rather than going for Dublo, the company may well have collapsed a decade earlier than it did... And I wonder what Driver Clarke would have been given for his endorsement. The Hornby No.2 Specials were rather better than the ordinary run of tinplate models, "County of Bedford" bore a striking resemblance to a Churchward "County", not just a generic paintjob... The other No.2 Specials Bramah Moor, Midland Compound, and Eton all were good stabs at their prototypes too. Which is why they're collectable nowadays!
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    At least its a recognised ocean.... Hornby finally did produce a tinplate Pacific, just before WW2. Though to modern eyes it looks rather lumpy... (I'm using a tablet at present, and its refusing to copy images. I'll get one when I get to the PROPER computer...)
  16. You should be more charitable, such productions provide essential life support to striving actors and production staff. And HEY! It's Christmas!!!! (Even if they're shooting in July...) You don't have to watch them...
  17. It bears a remarkable similarity to the River Ankh as it passes through Ankh-Morpork... https://wiki.lspace.org/Ankh_(river)
  18. You do have some weird friends.... 🤔 You should suggest to your friend that they stick to the curley fries with pizza and get some lamb chops if they fancy new pots, peas and mint sauce.... 😉
  19. Good lord.... Thats terrifying!
  20. Sounds like its in the same league as the "Made for TV" US Christmas films that have been continuously streamed on Great Christmas Movies (Ch52, Freeview) since the beginning of September... As we get closer to the festive season, Ch5, which "The Christmas Express" is currently on, will have their entire daytime output flooded with such masterpieces! Bah Humbug!
  21. Well, they can't say they weren't told....
  22. According to the BBC weather app, sunset hereabouts is in 10 minutes time! Its getting dark... Ding!
  23. A bit of both, a bit of both.....
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