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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I like the BBC lap 14 commentary on their website Ooh errr!!!
  2. Thats one of Igors little jobs as a Counts personal gentleman!
  3. Moving towards a society envisaged in Iain M. Banks "Culture" novels. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_series
  4. Thats when the midden hits the windmill...
  5. If you start feeling Sneezy, you better go and see Doc! ... Don't worry, I'm going to buy a couple of boxes of cheap christmas crackers soon. That should keep the jokes rolling in.....
  6. Went to a very fine firework display last night, put on by the local sailing club in support of the RNLI. Arrived early and had a fish'n'chip supper in the car opposite the firing point, while it drizzled copiously outside. As the time for the display to start approached, cars started coming down the prom looking vainly for somewhere to park and watch the display, but they were out of luck.... Got out to find that the precipitation had slackened off so the display went ahead in relatively dry conditions, with a duration of about 30 minutes of continuous bangs, ooohs and ahhhhs. Didn't take any photos this year, but a few years ago, I got some snaps of a very windy display. Tonight I will let off a "fire and forget" 12 shotter in the back garden, just because....
  7. There was the devout religious festival, and whatever the peasants got up to to fill in the cold dark days at the end of the year.
  8. Hroth

    EBay madness

    The 3-rail pickup under the loco is also clearly visible...
  9. Hroth

    EBay madness

    And someone bought it...
  10. Pocket billiards? Best not to think about it...
  11. Hroth

    EBay madness

    And like all new software designs, there will be so much invested in them that your feedback will be largely ignored. There certainly will be no reversion to the old design. There might be a few tweaks to keep the unhappy subdued....
  12. Closing the theatres would also eliminate pantomimes too!
  13. Perhaps you could set up one of those "crowd funding" (herd funding?) thingies in their support?
  14. Aldi also have speckled spraypaint occasionally, whenever they're doing a crafty/upcycling theme, usually offering it in light or dark grey.
  15. Hroth

    On Cats

    Will this lot feel greatful towards dogs in later life??? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-67310766
  16. I'd call this "letting the side down"... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-67310766
  17. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Some dodgy stuff there, but they ought to reissue that dinky little Era1 trainset!
  18. Its probably been redesigned by the smartphone generation, who are really a bit clueless about how people work with laptop and desktop computers... Its like many of the new options that are being offered in the 23H2 feature update.
  19. Only if you hover the cursor... Back to downloadsville. My Lenovo laptop had been refusing to have anything to do with the 2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5031354). It had been installing up to 25% then failed with error 0x800f081f. Despite several attempts to navigate around this, it refused to play ball. This morning, it downloaded a Lenovo "system update", then gobbled down 2023-10 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057), followed by the Windows 11, version 23H2 feature update, and now seems quite pleased with itself! Hey ho. May as well let the Dell have a go too...
  20. I hope there was some psychological trauma.... Where I live now doesn't seem to have a squirrel population at all. I am very happy about this!
  21. Bravely, he lit the blue touch-paper and retired...
  22. Here, its been tipping it down with brief sunny intervals, in a 70:30 ratio. Currently the weather is outdoing itself, pouring down with sun from one side!
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