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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Until the lowest tech available is discontinued as, for example, the BBC dumping Radio 4 Longwave next year.
  2. WTF? RTFM! (Ok, that was a FLA...) LBS*.... (And I just made that one up!) 🙃 * Would anyone like to guess what I meant? Nahhhhhh, don't bother...
  3. Poor Bear will emerge looking like a seagull... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-48832481
  4. Las Vegas? So there'll be on-course betting?
  5. In other sword and sandals films, an extra was in shot wearing a very visible wrist watch, and an HGV could be seen labouring up a seaside road as the plucky adventurers rowed their boat across the scene....
  6. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Hattons have been hiking their prices for old Hornby "Thomas" merch over the past month or so. In particular, any loco with more than six wheels gets listed for a three figure sum, even elderly tender drive examples... And a "Spencer" or a "Murdoch" will be upper three figures!
  7. And if he pushes the throttles fully forwards, he may achieve orbit...
  8. Why not? Its worked for at least 140 years!
  9. Thats ok, we do it to let others feel good about themselves. Its only a game!
  10. Just got an email from Mighty River saying that my order would be delivered, perhaps, by Saturday. For a moment I thought it was one of those dodgy scam emails, so I didn't immediately click on it to see what they were blethering about, but went into the River website to find that it was a book that I'd ordered a while ago, had completely forgotten about, which had finally come into stock and that they would be sending out shortly! So there! Update: Captain Slog 20231116.21:49 Got an email yesterday at 9pm saying that the book would be with me on Friday. So far, so good. Got an email mid-day today that the book would be with me between 3pm and 5pm today. 4pm Amazon bod arrived, rang the bell and didn't run away! Result!!!
  11. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I don't think its anything like this... Do you?
  12. Hroth

    EBay madness

    They arrived in a mildewed rucksack, carried by a myopic bloke in a heavily stained, elderly parka. The staff had to use several cans of air freshener after he had left the shop...
  13. Very whacky! Another metric/imperial mixup?
  14. Its often houses that you wonder how they can afford it, that have incredible festoons of lights.
  15. Its the absolutely insane driving when the MumsRun is out and about....
  16. Nice tune, reminds me of when I was in an early music group that played for dancers.
  17. Hroth

    EBay madness

    they could have added "Needs fumigating"... I bet it has rusty axles! (Looks like a Northwich era box)
  18. Good Lord!!! Just don't get trapped in a lift after the Bear has scoffed that lot!
  19. No, never lived in an area where it was a delicacy!
  20. Going by their expressions, the King has just awarded them Nul Points...
  21. But the plonker who made the business case for shutting the sorting office has now moved on to bigger, better and more highly paid things on the back of their "analysis" and couldn't give a flying f*ck about the poor service.
  22. Halifax and Hull had large gibbets and they weren't afraid to use them...
  23. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Look. No-one is going to suggest that they're exercising their canine companion, in a remote car park, after dark! Oops...
  24. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Those too, I suppose....
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