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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. You're safe, sprouts are still on the boil...
  2. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Looks like someone drove 10000 into the buffers at Kings Cross. The affair was all very hush hush..... 🤪
  3. That reminds me, I've a bag of dried marrowfat peas in the cupboard, I might do mushy peas when I have fish'n'chips next week... btw the offering under the fishy drumstick looks like finely chopped cabbage. Most nutritious!
  4. Probably the mandatory "healthy option". It might offset the ketchup...
  5. I'm avoiding BBC1 this evening, I have a number of charities I support, and I can't be doing with the BBC shaking a collecting bucket in front of my nose all night.
  6. Couldn't Bear put a lid on that pizza? It'll be coated with flies, grit and other "stuff". Mind you, the same "stuff" will be going down his gullet so the extra top coat might not make a difference...
  7. I'll wait until its all over and then see what happened...
  8. It is, compared with the equally outdated and twice as expensive Scalextric "Grand Prix" set.... https://uk.Hornby.com/products/grand-prix-race-set-christmas-tree-c1432my
  9. Earlier I mentioned that the Minolta DiMage 5 was good for infra red style photos, here's one taken nearly 20 years ago...
  10. The younger ones are down for sterilization, the older ones are on the run from the Terminators... Its not a good outlook!
  11. My Pentax K70 DSLR is bi-modal, it can be used as a conventional optical viewfinder camera, or the mirror can be locked up and you can use the screen on the back instead, useful in certain circumstances but not if you don't want to look like a demented meerkat... I once has a Minolta DiMage 5, a bridge style camera with an electronic eyelevel viewfinder which was worse than useless. It was only good for taking infra-red style pictures with a deep red filter! Slide rules? We were taught to use them at school, but I was off ill the week they were introduced to the class and I never got the hang of them...
  12. Compur shutter? Very reliable if you exercise them, otherwise the slow speeds become a bit sticky. The other thing to worry about is fungus in the lenses...
  13. As well as 35mm film still being available, you can still get 120 roll film for use in professional medium format cameras, as well as a fair proportion of all the "L@@K RARE!!!" box and folding cameras you find on ebay, though you do have to watch out for the 620 film ones that you can't get film for... Back to radio. The next option for the axe will be FM.
  14. The so-called "Minister for Common Sense" is a Braverman clone, who made an ideological hash of the Dept for Work and Pensions when she was in charge of it. She was so hated* that she lost an extremely safe Tory constituency and had to be found a safer one... * To the extent that anti-Mcvey slogans were sprayed on the walls of Jobcentres in the constituency.
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Isn't that a bit personal? 🤪
  16. You'll be eating it for him, I suppose? 🤔
  17. Hippo probably hicupped... Or the leech moved and distracted him. Its difficult to tell... 🤔
  18. But would he have such a shapely ankle? 🤔
  19. Of course its just a "concept", some of the designers little flourishes will be quietly disappeared! It would have been more interesting to have some projected range figures, but I expect that "city car" = "about 150km".
  20. ChromeBooks are also time-limited, after several years, Google withdraws updates. If you're looking at one, its a good idea to find out when it was introduced, the "bargain" ones may be within a few years of life expiry. And it's not that straightforward to install an alternative OS* on one that Google has abandoned either... * A lightweight Linux is the best bet, but some features may be unsupported.
  21. Nope... Getting closer...
  22. Most, but not all, I expect! Its a pity that a switch to temporarily disable gravity hasn't yet been invented...
  23. People are more outgoing nowadays (shameless?) and are quite happy to announce to all and sundry what they're thinking of/expecting when they get home.... ION... Just got back from some foraging, needing a mug of HOT coffee and a couple of custard creams to cheer me up!
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