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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I expect @monkeysarefun will be pleased.... 🤪
  2. A number of people have questioned the Tudor version of "Richard the Third and the Princes in the Tower" almost since 1485. I was going to watch the most recent version but forgot, I'll have to use catch-up! For a simple canter through the pro-Richard view (from an early 1950s viewpoint), the Josephine Tey novel "The Daughter of Time" is an easy read.
  3. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Thats what I thought when it was last here... 🙃
  4. Now there's a hen that still hasn't worked out what she's there for!
  5. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Ok if you want " that" livery, it'd cost more to have a Hornby example repainted, but compared with the Hornby versions available new off the shelf for a similar price, or less if you do a little looking about, its not worth it!
  6. Hroth

    EBay madness

    But they're excellent as "quick" background fillers for modellers who are less interested in what lies beyond the railway fence but need to have a basic background for their primary interests, modelling locos, rolling stock, operations, whatever. While it might be a good idea to run a paintbrush loaded with a suitable colour to hide the grey card at the edges, I wouldn't adversely judge Metcalfland townscapes on layouts where the presentation is not that of a fully realised world.
  7. And just in case anyone was thinking of chancing the weather at Glasto next year... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-67454066
  8. Well, after the near-miss thunderbolt, "Sorry, only joking!!!" Again a nice musical choice. "Clemens non papa" because they had to distinguish the composer from the then current Pope.... 😁
  9. Ah. I can see where you're going wrong.... Completely the wrong attitude! And in less than a weeks time, no one will remember who came 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th either. Perhaps there ought to be a Moaning World Cup....
  10. You'll pay for it, one way or another....
  11. Never upset a bunch of Nevadans in a country where ambulance-chasing lawyers are forever on the lookout for new fee-streams. No Win No Fee??
  12. You'd think a moat would be enough to stop the infection, but Oh No... https://haveyoursay.wirral.gov.uk/20mph-speed-limit-scheme-phase-2
  13. Probably due to mistreatment decades ago from "clappering". The cracked bell would be melted down and recast, with a small amount of extra metal added to make up for foundry processes*. Recycling at its finest! * Sprues, etc, which would be recovered from the new casting once cooled down.
  14. My tumble drier is (counts on fingers and toes, etc) is probably well over 50 years old, I didn't buy it, my parents did and I inherited it. The one thing it does really well is warm up the kitchen on a cold and frosty morning... No, that's being unfair. I just use it in 10 minute bursts (5 on Hi, 5 on Lo) to air stuff before putting it away. Once it goes to the Great White Goods Graveyard, I don't think it'll be replaced.
  15. VOIP customers are advised to have either a UPS or a mobile phone as backup. The UPS they offer (as an extra) is rated for four hours, after that, you're on your own. And if its a more than severely local power cut, either the other end of the fibre will be affected too or the local cell towers will be out. Then there's the places with little or no cell coverage in the first place...
  16. Never, but A Team often gets the benefit of the doubt. No name, no packdrill!
  17. Sometimes little dogs are better than big dogs.... Mind you, we used to have a long-haired white chihuahua, a vicious brute, would go for anyone. Luckily, all its teeth had fallen out so the worst anyone got was a bad gumming! It was a rescue dog, so badly looked after by its first owner that it had gum disease and the remaining teeth HAD to be extracted, and its coat was so badly matted that it had been given a buzzcut. It looked more like a shorthair when we got it. It was good around us, but once outside GRRRRRRRR.....
  18. I had what might have been an old-fashioned scam approach the other day. A bloke rang the doorbell and told me that he was a roofer, was working in the district and had noticed a "problem" with my roof whilst passing by... Oh yes? 🤔
  19. All the way to the week before Christmas, then there's the Christmas special to contend with... Its good practice to sleep through Christmas Day if possible!
  20. I've got a couple of boxes of cheap crackers to hand, I plan on releasing the "jokes" at a measured pace through the Christmas season... You have been warned!!!
  21. My first pocket calculator could be persuaded to divide by zero. It was like watching a dog chase its tail.... I later got a Casio P50 Programmable calculator, 25 steps could be recorded! It was very similar to the one illustrated by 30801 I've still got it (and its instruction booklet), somewhere.
  22. The next step will be all motorists in Wales will have to hire a bloke to process in front of them with a red flag, no matter what class of road they're on. I'd feel sorry for the bloke, out there in the daily wind and rain in all the traffic fumes!
  23. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Be careful! "The Book of the Duchess" was also one of Chaucers early works... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_the_Duchess 🙃
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