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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Perhaps he used one of those clicky "tally" devices?
  2. Or @southern42 could hit the groove, just like Jethro Tull! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jethro_Tull_(band) (Well, sort of...) 😁
  3. Having seen police chase programmes of north-easterners out on the razzle of a winter weekend, I immediately thought that 66% of the foreground folk were overdressed ( @monkeysarefun is a lost cause... ). The figures in the far background look like a Temperance railway excursion party from the Midlands, horrified by the antics of the locals... I just thought, some of the characters in Viz are so true to life that the comic could be considered non-fiction...
  4. But she'd.... Oh wait... 😜 That was the fishmongers daughter.
  5. Wasn't Boris initially wedded to the "herd immunity" thesis which required everyone to get covid and let nature sort out the survivors?
  6. Hroth

    EBay madness

    If you actually wanted the chassis, it might be worth having a go. The body is fit for the bin!
  7. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Tuppence would be overpricing it!
  8. Definitely wandering.... 🫢
  9. One of the Bateman ones I remember was "The Man who ... Paid Off His Mortgage", which illustrated a somewhat different attitude to financial indebetedness to that prevailing today as the manager and bank staff were cheering the achievement. Nowadays they would be upset at the loss of an income stream and offering him new* loan opportunities! * and more expensive
  10. Dead things, yes, some of which are the bones of dead sea creatures and imprints of plants. Fragments of corals and whole foraminifera are the main constituents... You find dead things in coal too, from the vast carboniferous era forests! Coal is all dead trees, Ents perhaps?
  11. We were taught log tables in the 1st year at school, in the 2nd year we were transitioned to slide rules (I've still got my British Thornton) and I first encountered a digital calculator (mains-powered desktop) in the 4th year, being told by the teacher who brought it in "This is the future!". He was only slightly wrong, it had a Nixie tube display!
  12. Thailand? I would have thought South Korea... (Though in the North, they apparently wok anything)
  13. "I'm buying it for a friend..." Of course, it could have raised eyebrows if you had turned up at the till clutching a couple of cans of furniture polish!
  14. I didn't want to be completely obvious... 🙂
  15. Its terrible when even the weather starts Christmas early...
  16. Something has to let the magic smoke out...
  17. There's also the pursin' of the lips and the tappin' of the feet....
  18. Hroth

    EBay madness

    A big ask, you're entirely in the hands of the vendor, and you'll only find out when you've paid up and have the model in your hands. You may be lucky and find it is well made with suitable gear ratios and runs well. OR you'll have the hassle of returning it and getting your money back...
  19. The legal lizards emerge from the Nevada desert.... I wonder if they're related to the huge bats?
  20. On D-Day, the skirted Octopus Strangler was lucky in that German snipers didn't shoot him because they thought he was insane!
  21. The grey squirrel looks rather like his compatriots who flock to Stratford upon Avon and the Tower of London, wearing loud shirts and odd hats every summer...
  22. It doesn't look good from that angle, perhaps there's a little more of a gap from the side? I hope so!
  23. That's fightin' talk North of the Border....
  24. Rmweb has been hicupping quite frequently in recent weeks!
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