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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I've a Dualit wide 3 slot toaster, it live in its box under the stairs, it's never been out, it's never been used. I use an Argos Cookworks, their cheapest available when bought. The problem with the classic cast aluminium and stainless steel Dualit toaster is that the brown-ness of a slice is regulated using a clockwork timer which breaks easily and is relatively expensive (as much as a cheapo toaster!) to replace! My parents originally had a 2 slice Dualit, and I replaced the timer twice before they gave up and got an ordinary toaster (although my mother had bought the 3 slot beforehand). But they look cool!
  2. Only if you want an archetypical diesel box on rails...
  3. An easy solution. Make two, hide one...
  4. Well, its a proper engine for sure. Too many wheels for a Pannier, and it's certainly NOT Erlestoke Manor.... 🤪
  5. Sounds like Australia had a narrow escape from having to speak French!
  6. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Quick someone, find some PROPER ebay madness, we're back down the rabbit hole...
  7. The funny thing is, both the O and N 14xx are Dapol. The N one looks like it's shrunk in the wash when stood beside the O one...
  8. Last time I had crinkle cut chips, they were prepared at home by hand and cooked in a deep fat fryer. A long time ago, in a galaxy that seems so far away.... btw, the sell by (use by?) date on Aldi mince pies is now 27th December. I'm still waiting for the January dated ones, but I got 1/2 doz this afternoon to sample...
  9. They don't make 'em like they used to.... As for Panniers, I've a motley collection in OO. 14xx locos are different, I've 1 in O, 1 in N, and a swarm in OO.... These things tend to breed!
  10. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Brunette? Perhaps the curtains and carpet don't match.... Like the previous boxes, I'll pass.
  11. Its been an expensive month.... Vehicle Tax House Insurance Quarterly Energy bill At least they didn't all come up NEXT month, or it would have definitely been a case of Bah! Humbug!!!
  12. Hroth

    EBay madness

    They're a bit optimistic I'll pass...
  13. Your spelling is a bit dodgy, shouldn't it read "FREE BEER"?
  14. Well, there were around 900 full sized Matchboxes built, so its worth them having a go. I might buy one....
  15. Thats the 1st Sunday in Advent. An ecclesiastical Advent candle would only be graduated 1 to 4... Ordinary Advent candles, like Advent calendars are purely secular countdown devices so can start from 1st December with impunity!
  16. Hroth

    EBay madness

    That too, but she also enjoys a good spanking. Why do you think the buffer beams are red?
  17. ION Christmas can begin! (well, in a weeks time) I've got an Advent Candle! 24 chances to accidently burn the house down...
  18. On the other hand, if Rwanda finally gets scuppered, Rishi might take a look at "I'm a celeb" and bung the Aussie government a spare billion or so to take the illegal immigrants who won't be getting a trip to Africa after all...
  19. Don't worry, the B Ark will soon be completed...
  20. Currently my workbench contains the overflow from my desk. You can tell that my mind isn't tidy either!
  21. Hroth

    EBay madness

    And a tender behind...
  22. @polybear I prefer my green boxes on wheels to have as little yellow (preferably none) on their ends as possible! I also note that Hunt the **** has announced an 8.5% increase on the state pension from next April, but the Personal Tax Allowance remains frozen. By my estimation, this means that part of the munificent pension increase will be clawed back in income tax, which is Not Very Helpful. Hey ho....
  23. As far as Polybear is concerned, "Mostly" will not be helpful...
  24. Thats not unusual, much of a Heljan 128 can remain in the packaging when you take it out!
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