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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. By the sound of things it may as well be!
  2. Just thinking... Looks like its dropping essential supplies into Wales during the hard winter of 1947!
  3. That made me feel quite ill... 🤢🤮
  4. But back then, they would be black, not green.....
  5. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I recognise his scrap siding, I bought a Hornby B12 many years ago, China production but not new tooling, that had been weathered to within an inch of its life. It was in perfect working order and I used it to represent a loco that was still in service but badly maintained. Looked through his other items, this is a bit of a hoot https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305282138893 Seeing as the Bismark shelled the Hood into oblivion, the chances of the ship looking like this are somewhat remote...
  6. They'd find that difficult in the UK, our fire hydrants are safely located under cast iron flaps in the roadway. Thats why dogs need to queue, just like everyone else!
  7. I watched one of the "background" programmes about Dr Who, and they were talking to one of the sound technicians who described how, when she expressed a wish to do such a job, she was told to watch some television for an evening whilst holding up a can of baked beans in each hand. Apparently this is similar to holding a sound boom whilst filming....
  8. I wonder who would come off best in a scrap over cake between Robin and Polybear? Robins are ferocious little beggars...
  9. "not a pacific" includes Panniers and Prairies too... Does that mean that someone is going to suddenly roll out a "Great Bear" in January?
  10. I didn't realise that the YabbaDabbaDo GP was today!
  11. Oxford are currently very poor about communicating their Rail stuff. All I get from them are occasional emails about the latest diecast vehicles, which don't interest me that much! I suppose we should be happy that they turned up at Warley!
  12. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Government advice (HSE) about Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) https://www.hse.gov.uk/electricity/faq-portable-appliance-testing.htm
  13. They probably do one already, in the Boss'n'Secretary series...
  14. He's certainly got you trained! Perhaps you could teach him to say "I'll do anything for food"?
  15. A selection of small placards with varied phrases printed on them as suitable answers to the most egregrious questions might be a good idea.... Make them stout enough, and they can also be useful in fending off the ensuing attack!
  16. Or one of those vibrating foot spa things, topped up occasionally with warm water. You'll need a minion for that! NOT one of those electrocuting devices that Beefy* Botham touts on the digital TV channels... * Very!
  17. Wherever possible, I always turn off autocorrect. Its ruddy annoying to find your carefully typed words transmogrified by the computers artificial stupidity when you move onto the next word! Its even worse in posts like these when you don't notice the computer generated amendment, and the system doesn't allow editing a committed post*.... You're bulleid** by the Computer! Oops...... 🤪 * At least RMweb does allow editing. ** I before E except after C unless its a loco designer...
  18. Hroth

    EBay madness

    That would probably count as "Heavy Patting"... By Jove, she's got a bit of a punch!!! 🤪
  19. Perhaps by time the 71s appeared, the 70s were bullied into secondary roles? 🤪
  20. But they'll have a handful of test castings, it wouldn't take much effort to run a lick of orange paint over one for the show!
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