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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. 10 quid for an exercise class that gets negated immediately afterwards with coffee and cake?
  2. Its probably "brilliant" when compared with the previous Doctor. When I get around to watching it, I'll try to tune out the preaching.
  3. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I had a 2 door Devon/Dorset A40.... Well actually it was a light blue J40 pedal car with a definitely 2 door body. I got it for Christmas one year and it was the first new car my father had bought. It also cost more than his current real car.... They were very heavy to pedal! When we sold it, it was like all British cars of its era, rusting steadily...
  4. Prospective customers wetting themselves laughing?
  5. I wonder if nipping over with a tape measure to check the gauge would be considered espionage activity?
  6. Must be very rural... 🙂 I refer my esteemed colleague to my previous response! 🤪
  7. In some ways, horse racing seems to get away with handicapping, though I've no idea how handicapping works there... 🤪
  8. Very much my reasoning. A green one would be nice, so would a transition era DMU in GREEN, to go with a 31 or a 37 also in GREEN! 🤪
  9. At least they aren't connected to a water supply, most dogs aren't big enough to pee in the slot of a letterbox and the way things are going, telephone poles might be a disappearing feature of the landscape too...
  10. The "writer" of that appears to have a problem with the food illustrated, almost as if they are reacting to photos without having sampled any of them! I must say, that of those illustrated, the only one I wouldn't touch with any kind of bargepole would be the jellied eels. In fact, I was considering what to have for scoff this evening, having looked at that link it looks like it'll be Toad in the Hole!
  11. But I bet the trams get a bit lonely on their jaunts out to Fleetwood!
  12. As mentioned by Compound2632 above two cranes are essential for longer/heavier lifts. And you can have one of each jib type too!
  13. Haricot beans with a tomato jus, on an artisanal bread platter....
  14. Looks out of the window. How do you keep your load dry? 🤪
  15. All it needs is the Hornby Dublo man, with pipe and extra fingers!
  16. Red Bull "dominance" would be more acceptable without the personalities and attitude of Horner and Mr Bean.
  17. Could be fun to get one of those graphic AIs to generate some track plans!
  18. Looks like UK Metro tram systems ('tho prettier) that venture to the suburbs and outlying towns often along Beechinged former railway lines. Compared with yours, the modern Metro "trams" look more like trains. I suppose they called them trams so they could get permission to run along city streets.... Pouring down here, rain beating on the window panes, looking very bleak.... Tomorrow is supposed to be Sunny, with a high of 5 deg C. If you believe the BBC Weather app, that is...
  19. The problem with trams is that they have to run through streets clogged with pedestrians, horses and carts and "early" motor vehicles, plus detailed townscapes. Unless you go for a depot scene, rather like a BLT. Railways are straightfoward (even in P4 or similar) by comparison!
  20. I supose its just that there's not much news at present, pending arrival of the models. It could be worse, there could be a froth storm about "just before Christmas/mid January" arrival... I am not an expert, but... 😀 "Full Custard" on green locos might not be attractive to buyers. Bachmann/EFE may be testing the water with 20001 in yellow and blue. If thats successful, then a yellow and green 20002 might be a second run possibility...
  21. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I don't know what the IP rights situation regarding the copying of various models was. I suppose any licencing fees were less for an early 1960s Britannia "replica", and similar relics, than for a recent tooling. Or that the IP holders wouldn't go after them if they just blatantly copied a very old model without permission, though that would be a risky strategy!
  22. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Definitely the GBL offering, the coach came with it.
  23. By the sound of things it may as well be!
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