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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Well.... The bloke in the top pic looks like we used to look when we were 8 or 9 years old. The middle pair look as if they should have signed the sex offenders register, and what could be said about the last bloke? He looks like a right chav!
  2. Nope never heard of them, or their music. Mind you, in the 90s I had other interests, the top 40 wasn't one of them!
  3. As in so many situations in daily life...
  4. Hroth

    EBay madness

    70 quid for the starter set, 60 quid for refills.... You can see how posh we were! The rolls were definitely for the plebs...
  5. Outsourcing. The greatest waste of public finances in the past 40 years.
  6. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Rather than use Izal for lavatorial purposes, we would use it either as tracing paper or for a comb kazoo. Much more appropriate uses, I think you'll agree! It also helped that rather than getting the rolls, my parents bought the "flat pack" variety in a cardboard container that slipped into a china dispenser beside the loo. The sheets seemed to be a little larger than the roll variety, wich was very helpful!
  7. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Boots? We know a song about boots! ...
  8. Like the "modernised" Blyton Famous Five, with all inclusivity tick boxes well and truely ticked.
  9. Sounds more like a medical procedure, with warm water and a large rubber pipe...
  10. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Only if BR used Izal.
  11. Just had a second glance. I'd say that there are about EIGHT programmes (Christmas specials, films and so on) over the two week period covered by the guide that I'd record for later viewing. There are a number of old films that I might watch if I'm around when they're on (Brief Encounter, the Alistair Sim version of A Christmas Carol, Casablanca and a couple of others...), but its pretty much a desert otherwise. Bah! H....... I'm working my way up to it
  12. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I was wondering which topic had levelled off, and mis-expressed myself...
  13. I've not a clue about the "pop band", but its worrying that the lower photo is entirely familiar*.... * Let me explain. My mother was a keen Corrie viewer from when it started. It was a lot more gritty in 405 line monochrome. And I remember the FIRST time a train fell off the viaduct...
  14. Hroth

    EBay madness

    So long as it stays level and doesn't suddenly lurch further downwards... BTW which particular level should we be concerned about? Just asking..,
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    An impression would be adequate, a brownish smear perhaps, there should be scraps of loo roll lurking too. If ultra realism is required, the coaching stock would need a bit of extra "weathering", underneath and around the adjacent bogie...
  16. Ah well. Less apocalyptically, I've just put up my "christmas tree", so festive cheer may reign! I also picked up the Christmas TV guide this morning, and at first glance there seems little of festive enjoyment on the box on ANY of the channels. Bah.....
  17. I thought that too. However, such magnetic disturbances would also influence both telephone and block instrument systems too. At least a signalman in a mechanical box can throw everything to danger, lay detonators and wait for things to come back online. Another thought, its all very well worrying about signalling systems but the "disturbances" would also damage the control systems in locomotives...
  18. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Well, two of them are pickup trucks.
  19. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Occasional brown streaks between the rails, particularly in a station where people didn't understand the instructions... Growing merrily, particularly in stations...
  20. If anyone has been tempted into O gauge but doesn't have track to run their new loco on, Jadlam are offering the Peco ST-701 track starter pack for £165 inc delivery. https://www.jadlamracingmodels.com/peco-st-701-o-gauge-starter-set/
  21. Well, you know what they say about Audi drivers!
  22. That reminded me of this... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_Mayo_Composite Dinky did a model of the Short-Mayo Composite aircraft!
  23. I'm building up a good stash of Christmas Cracker Jokes already... Its just a question of when they get released!
  24. I'd suggest warm honey and cider vinegar, with a supportive slug of spiced rum and the paracetamol would be better for your cough than a milky drink, which would tend to thicken the phlegm instead... If you don't fancy the cider vinegar, lemon juice is a good alternative. Fresh is best but the bottled stuff is an acceptable alternative. Make the drink with a couple of teaspoons of the cider vinegar or lemon juice, add hot water and stir in enough honey to take the edge off the vinegar or whatever. Add the booster and sip gratefully...
  25. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Its not just models, or "models" that have a distinctive smell... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-67670385
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