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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I ordered an item containing parallel pieces of nickel silver on Sunday. The vendor emailed to say it had been dispatched yesterday with an RM tracking code. Just checked the code and got this message from RM WTF is a "Royal Mail site"? They usually give some indication of which sorting centre/hub the package is residing at.... Odd! Its now 20:37 and being displayed as being at a recognisable Mail Centre. That means it should be delivered sometime tomorrow. Seeing as I'm still feeling yuck there's a fair chance that I'll actually get my hands on it! It arrived at 8:27am this morning (14th). Good thing I was up and ready!
  2. Those were the days... Its the Riddle of the Sphinx all over again!
  3. Hroth

    EBay madness

    You're not supposed to blow the bluddy doors off!
  4. I see rmweb hiccuped again... The problem with removing the "awful humans" is that eventually there will be fewer and fewer customers for their products and services... But short-termism never harms the apex predators.
  5. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Its always polite to warn people not to enter the toilets for a few minutes afterwards...
  6. If you pat it and don't end up on the other side of the kitchen, its perfectly safe. A slight tingle is acceptable...
  7. Completely agree with you about the fad for Salted "x" that seems to be popular with food manufacturers. All the examples I've sampled have left me feeling nauseous after one bite, though its with salted sweet foods that the effect is most apparent...
  8. I had three local and three postal christmas cards to send this year, posted the postals on Saturday and winced at the cost of three 2nd class stamps. I then winced in sympathy as the customer who was after me, requested 37 christmas (2nd class) stamps...
  9. Even the ones that found port in museums are less common nowadays, as they're "not relevant" to how museum curators think. Once the models would be used to tell the story of shipbuilding, shipping lines and international trade. Now the emphasis is on simplistic stories of the lives of labourers in shipyards and sailors at sea and the larger picture is swept away to accommodate this paradigm shift.
  10. I sprinkle a literal pinch of salt over them before starting, and pop them out after 3 min to stir them about to ensure even browning. They're healthier than the bagged roast nuts as they're not swimming in salt! The other thing is not to have them in arms reach while reading, otherwise you end up with none left without realising what you've done. Which is what I did... I'll have to get some more cashew nuts!
  11. The one on the left looks a bit cheeky....
  12. Showoff! (your tick was for the mince pies, not the Flying Moneypit, I must emphasise) I got a bag of "raw" cashew nuts from Aldi during the weekend. 6 minutes at 180 in the airfryer and I've got a dish of gorgeous smelling, crunchy roast nuts!
  13. Pay a company to provide the service and they don't have to worry about recruiting a cleaner and faffing about all the paperwork or paying minimum wage, NI, PAYE, organising a pension scheme... And who would want to work for a bunch of sharks in the first place?
  14. Great Barrow, or Barrow in Furness? The distinction is important....
  15. Really posh sugar was the large grain coloured coffee sugar... And we always sat at the table to eat a meal, none of this continuous browsing, and snacking slumped in front of the telly.
  16. Fully christmassed up* now, mainly because I woke up at 2am on Tuesday morning with a sore throat, a bunged up nose that dynarod would struggle to clear, a persistent cough and a splitting headache**. I didn't get back to sleep until after 5am, but at least had the forethought to silence the radio alarm beforehand and slept until 8.30am. Spent most of the rest of the day huddled miserably under a fleece blanket on the sofa, but did manage to put some decs on the "christmas tree" so that'll have to do. Also rmweb provided entertainment until the tablet went flat! Still feel rotten, but not quite as much as yesterday (no headache) so today may well be a repeat affair... * A fake tree, and misc decorations strewn about the place... ** Dosed up on honey'n'cider vinegar and paracetamol at the prescribed intervals throughout the day.
  17. Hroth

    EBay madness

    To be fair, they look a bit more "usable" than a modern public convenience would look after nearly 2000 years! One thing we've lost is the ability to buy hot or cold snacks from the equivalent of CMOT Dibbler just outside the door. a great help if plagued by constipation...
  18. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I believe that engineers thought Izal to be a bit "wussy" and preferred a half-cut bastard file. The Romans, on the other hand, used a sponge on a stick.
  19. Perhaps they're hoping to be in the running for one in a future enlargement phase?
  20. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I didn't say the "right" side was comfortable, just that it was more efficient at removing the surplus than the shiney side...
  21. But Fred made a living knocking things down.... The 'elves would have kittens!!! (BR Blue DMU at 10:33)
  22. Hroth

    EBay madness

    The problem with Izal was that people used the wrong side. The glazed side was to protect the fingers, the rougher unglazed side was to remove the Klingons... Using it t'other way round merely resulted in sliding, slipping and smearing!
  23. Hroth

    EBay madness

    To be fair, they could also do sets for the British Army Retreat from Afghanistan. (Twice in the 19th century and the most recent one)
  24. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Described as "motorized" infantry. The person responsible for listing was probably just covering their backs. I wonder if the company responsible for that effort will be producing a Ukranian Invasion set?
  25. She was on a professional register and had to be de-registered. The formal process had to be followed to ensure that the crazed loon didn't have any grounds for complaint. Would the nursing body be drawing on taxpayers money for this process? I think it would be funded by membership fees for being retained on the register.
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