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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Deffo.. What I did like was the site pop-up asking about cookies...
  2. Sounds like some sort of Thieves Kitchen?
  3. I'll agree with you there, but only when the price of the 2 compartment ones falls as low as the single I got from Aldi earlier this year!
  4. One of those old-fashioned landline cords with the huge jackplug hanging on the end? 🤔 Sort of... 🤪
  5. Albert was interested in engineering and the mechanical arts, so I suppose the loco was his doing. A pity there's no track for it to run on! I wonder who the biddy with the vinegar phiz on the left is supposed to be?
  6. Anecdotally, a friend of mine has had bad experiences of EVRI delivery methods over the past couple of weeks, where packages were "delivered" over the back fence. There was some thought in the delivery, the packages were placed in black bin bags to keep them dry...
  7. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Trying to drag the conversation out of the lavvy..... A lovely listing by Hattons on their website, some Noch O scale figures. Only 20 quid, plus delivery. They've got a Very Good Box! https://www.hattons.co.uk/1550126/noch_17850noch_po_passengers_3_figure_set_pre_owned_walking_passenger_s_leg_loose_very_good_box/stockdetail The Walking Passenger has a loose leg. Arrrr! Jimlad!!!... Also, Noch have left them curiously faceless, looks more like a Zombie Invasion. Especially with the loose leg... Did I mention, the Walking Passenger has a loose leg! 🤣🤣🤣
  8. I'm mainly concerned with the depiction of two male Robins in such close proximity without them trying to tear each others throats out...
  9. The usual dental qualification is as a "surgeon" because of the mechanical aspect of the job, its like the distinction in the other medical world between physicians who treat with drugs and surgeons who wield the scalpel. Only physicians are entitled to call themselves Dr. Your previous dentists must have additional qualifications to allow them to use the title Dr*. As for "A Christmas Carol", it must have been Christmas Present who quoted Scrooges words back at him when he revealed Ignorance and Want to Scrooge. * Or have a research PhD that allows them to to use the title...
  10. I think one of the Ghosts of Christmas had something to say about "reducing the surplus population", and that was in the 1840s!
  11. You have to fit an approved silencer now?
  12. More of a blood-boltered nightmare....
  13. In the olden days, a dental mechanic was the bloke who actually made your false teeth to the prescription of the dental surgeon, who would be mortified to be so called. Of course, job description inflation made the old designation obsolete, they became dental technicians and now, because they have to meet higher educational qualifications I believe they might be called dental technologists. Meanwhile the poor fang farrier is still Mr dental surgeon... Fang Farrier is a good colloquial name for them!
  14. Thats when he SHOULD have been James Bond...
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Here's another. https://derails.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&manufacturer_id=18&product_id=1103 There appears to be 9 Hornby products that have been cross contaminated with GF "branding", though the main description is correct on all of them. Derails are good to deal with, perhaps some kind soul should drop them an email pointing the error out...
  16. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Given the fragility of the product, it was essential for Public Hygiene that you did so, not that many people even noticed the instruction before use...
  17. Hroth

    EBay madness

    We'll come back on topic sooner or later.... 🤪
  18. Old fashioned 50s curry was made using gravy, curry powder, sultanas and the leftovers from the Sunday roast. Curry also appeared on the 27th December as a way to dispose of the last edible scraps of the turkey. For extra sophistication, the turkey curry could have the remains of the cranberry sauce incorporated as well as the sultanas!
  19. At one point mobile/cell was synonymous. Then mobile was settled on, then they all became "smart"...
  20. Just what you're habituated to consuming. If you're around in another half century, you wouldn't turn your nose up at a bowl of deep-fried insects...
  21. Obviously the cable wasn't frayed or have obvious breakages and the correct termination was securely fitted. Genuine PAT criteria for cables...
  22. Heljan also provided prototypically dim lighting on their Class 28 model. I recall that there were complaints that the lights were too dim and couldn't be seen in daylight...
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