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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. The Wrong Type of Snow! Wishing all of RMweb a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The "Flying Dutchman" at Camborne in March 1891. Locomotive 2128 "Leopard", built for the South Devon Railway by Avonside in 1872.
  2. But coloured paint is more expensive.... You know what they say, "Penny plain, tuppence coloured..."
  3. On the other hand, the Fang Farrier was happy with my dental hygiene. I just thought I should show willing...
  4. Its an odd looking train too, sort of triangular, almost Toblerony. Very Swiss!
  5. I've got three of the things* (Railroad, TTS and Train pack), I don't need another, not that I would buy an over inflated faux "Hornby Dublo" offering anyway.... * I still haven't decided on names for the other two, can't have 3 DoGs running about and bumping into each other!
  6. Someone show him a Terrier, it'd CRUSH that heap of tin!
  7. Even something as small as a Terrier would stick out like a sore thumb in a CAR park....
  8. Very pretty, almost makes me wish I'd got a Terrier rather than a 14xx! Did you know that Hattons are flogging Dapol O gauge black livery Terriers for "only" 150 quid?
  9. Right... Lets have another Cracker Joke! HoHoHo!!! Q: Why is a ghost a bad liar? A: Because its easy to see through! To see the answer, highlight the line...
  10. Honi soit qui mal y pense... 😜
  11. But what if ALL the vehicles in the car/bike park are Custard Yellow©Aditi? 🤣
  12. After visiting my dentist last Friday, I've just invested in a new toothbrush...
  13. FA - NSFW but also Not Safe For Polite Company either... As for the westron wynd, apparently the Irish Sea is going to be a tad rough and windy for at least the next three days. Better wrap up warm and huddle indoors! Just start worrying if the land starts rocking, the anchors might not be holding...
  14. You could always ask CC Industries to subcontract construction of the Schuleisenbahn for you, while retaining a modicum of control as a supervisory project Director. Though if you've ever seen a Grand Designs programme, you will recall that timescales are always optimistic, the initial budget is hopeful and the contingency reserve is inadequate... You could attempt DIY, imagine the feelings of achievement you will, errr, achieve!!!
  15. Of course, as you get older, the fine detail merges into the background and you're happy to be able to notice that the brakeshoes are present, even with your reading glasses on. And as for things like makers plates that the young whippersnappers insist can be read...
  16. I've a tape recording of me shouting "The Gasman, The Gasman!!" because it was going to be played on the wireless and I liked it very much. Luckily its on a reel to reel spool and I don't have a reel to reel tape recorder any more!
  17. In the olden days, that would be the same person.... "Shave and an extraction, six pence!"
  18. I had a muggacoffee and a couple of mince pies earlier this evening. Its too late to take a photo, all the evidence has been consumed!!!
  19. Far more here, I suspect.... I was doing something similar the other day, but I've got a little hand-cranked gadget.
  20. Hroth

    EBay madness

    You have to grit your teeth and dive into his listings...
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