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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Its an odd thing that, cars (and other things) you remember seeing about, suddenly vanish into thin air! Apparently the original Ami is rarer than hens teeth, and may even be extinct in the UK.
  2. All off-duty postpersons? Thanks to the wind overnight, the dalek/compost bin captive in the back garden made another bid for freedom last night. Its currently rolling in agony and I may leave it so for a while to teach it a lesson...
  3. Its the same here. Its a game of chicken in the delivery office, seeing who will go to trousers first!
  4. Its a good idea to check if it is yours, and if it is, that it hasn't damaged your roof on the way down. OTOH if its your neighbours and its damaged your roof, then that's another kettle of fish...
  5. A proper Ami, or one of the electric bug boxes? The bug boxes can barely do 40!
  6. At least you did better than Charles Dickens and the GWR! https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/charles-dickens-lost-his-last-christmas-turkey-freak-fire-180973825/
  7. Or the local equivalent of Marleys Ghost, rattling his chains.....
  8. When not hamming it up for ToTP, Ian Anderson could play a mean flute...
  9. I expect thats what the hydrant is for too...
  10. Several recycling bins put out for collection this morning here, had been sick all over the road when I went out earlier.... Messy!
  11. My lurgy of last week has decided to make a comeback, so after collecting a magazine from the newsagent, I instructed Alexa to "ask BBC Sounds to play Christmas Carols"*, made up a mug of Cold and Flu relief concoction with half a teaspoon of honey to soften the taste of artificial sweetener and equally artificial lemon, put the central heating back on and settled down in the sitting room. I consumed the draught and then dozed off.... Feel a bit better. 🙂 * Honestly, these incantations become more and more convoluted!
  12. I remember there was a list of suggestions, but that was then and I've not done anything about it since... 🙃
  13. "Ocean liners sheltered from the storm..." I went down to the newsagents to pick up a copy of MRJ 300 this morning at 07:40. It was filthy black with horizntal rain. The wind is still... windy!
  14. Very American! We used to leave a glass of sherry and a mince pie for Santa. And every Christmas Morning, the sherry would be gone and only crumbs of mince pie left behind...
  15. Have an umberella to hand in case the mackerel turn out to be canned sardines...
  16. TOTP miming at its best!
  17. Hroth

    EBay madness

    B'ave! Mind you, it was an evening for odd outfits... https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/tv/bbc-sports-personality-years-alex-28320044
  18. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Don't see why not, they're all wearing more than the winner of SPOTY was the other night!
  19. Its 03:27 on the 22nd, but as we're right at the bottom of the trough, the Winter Misery spreads over several days on either side. Conventionally speaking, the 21st is as good a day as any to have the label stuck on it! Here we go!
  20. The wind is blowing up and its recycling bin day today. I can hear stuff being blown down the road already...
  21. It says "click Skip" but I can't see any kangaroos....
  22. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Dunno about purple, but I once bought an Airfix Prairie specifically to cover in green flock, so it'd look like those cars that get covered in artificial grass....
  23. I think that York should end up on coal trains and Sussex at Barry, with bits cut off....
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