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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Anyone looking for a bargain? Currently Hattons are offering the unliveried black Terrier for £150. More than 10 in stock! https://www.hattons.co.uk/stocklist/siteresults?search/scales/O/product-types/Steam locos/brands/Dapol/sort/4
  2. Its too late worrying about these things now, they've all happened! Classic FM is almost continuous "Christmas Music", and I never realised that there were so many cover versions of "Walking on the Air".... Never mind, I've read the first two "staves" of A Christmas Carol, tonight is "The Ghost of Christmas Present"*. * Or as we used to call it when children, The Ghost of the Christmas Present....
  3. For a minute I thought it was a CAPTCHA... "Click on all Christmas Greetings" 🙃
  4. I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing - The New Seekers
  5. Spanish Train - Chris de Burgh
  6. Last Train to Clarksville - The Monkees
  7. Long Tall Sally - The Beatles (ao)
  8. Would that be HoHoHo scale? 🤔😉🤪🙃
  9. I can do with someone to pop in and do some cleaning, will "Bleached Linen" do as an alternative?
  10. And there I was, thinking that O gauge was unreasonably large!
  11. There's a book all about that....
  12. Oh look! I've got another!!! Q: Who brings sharks their Christmas presents? A: Santa Jaws! Highlight the answer....
  13. I thought the Breakfast Table was slightly denuded this morning.... 🤪 The usually unreliable BBC Weather App claims that the current windiness is going to pause by about mid-day, will make a brief comeback around mid-day tomorrow and will have another go on the evening of Christmas Day. It might be mid-week before Kipper Supplies are restored... Here, Sprouts are 15p a pound for the improvident who neglected to start boiling back in September... Needless to say, I haven't bought any!
  14. I gave up food hunting yesterday, when a visit to Aldi became a nightmare of folk who apparently had never handled a shopping trolley before, hadn't a clue about the layout of the shop and had a long list of items that they studied in bewilderment, pulled up in the middle of the aisle... Oh yes, and don't talk about their parking skills in the car park. There's enough in stock to last until possibly the 28th when bread'n'milk will be required! Oh well, time to get moving.
  15. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all at RMweb! I know I've a railway related prezzie under the tree, but I wouldn't mind a box of everlasting "Spare Track" too!
  16. Upon the My o My - Captain Beefheart
  17. Or Santa could invest in some helium-filled party balloons...
  18. But the way things are going in the Arctic, there soon will be, and the Polybears will have to reskill....
  19. And as Flanders and Swann observed, they sing far too loud, far too often, and FLAT....
  20. Their defence would be that they were driving at a speed appropriate to the prevailing conditions, and that the speed limit is a maximum and not a target to be achieved. Personally, I think that such drivers should go on a re-education course, reinforced by a muscular bloke with a large whip. Faster! FASTER!!!
  21. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand........ Another Christmas Cracker Joke!!! Q: Why doesn't Santa eat junk food? A: Because its bad for his 'elf! Highlight the answer line...
  22. You need to extend behind that archway around the back, otherwise you'll have the enemy sneaking in.... Walls, corner towers and stables/barracks should do the trick!
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