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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Aldi generally have free car parking next to the store. However I do know of one that is "managed" by a voracious parking company due to the presence of a number of bars and restaurants in close vicinity. To get free parking for shopping in the store, you have to log into one of a number of terminals on the packing bench to identify your vehicle before leaving the store. The parking cameras run 24/7. Naturally, the terminal system isn't available when the store is closed. 🤣
  2. You'd think they'd be more careful.... I bet there's not much difference in the price between that and a similar quantity of Aldis cheapest whiskey....
  3. Here we go. The LAST seasonal cracker joke! Q. How does a snowman get around? A. By Icicle! Bicycle, geddit??? Ho Ho Ho, thats it for now...
  4. Just got my BR Green Booster. RM rang the doorbell and waited, even in the pouring rain! Lovely model, nice weight, runs well and NOTHING fell off as I lifted it out of its cradle! Very pleased. Its been a heavy Christmas, so it will be a couple of months before I stick a DCC chip in it. Probably a Hornby* TXS sound decoder with their Class 71 sound profile**. * A Hornby in a Hornby... ** A pity it'll have a horn sound rather than the whistles.
  5. Probably the reason for supermarkets to employ these voracious private parking companies is to regulate the influx of non-customer parkers thanks to the cynical attitude of local councils, who apparently see nothing wrong with devolving public car parking onto private companies without discussion or compensation.
  6. Speaking of Aussie snakes... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-australia-67879501
  7. There's nothing wrong with Chrimbo, unlike your other examples! (Its probably an Aussie coinage, so BEWARE!)
  8. But you should know that Guinness is Good For You! If one is good, imagine what Toucan do!
  9. Well beef product with 14% fat isn't particularly lean... Apart from that, what the heck IS it?
  10. An Ital? Not winning it would be a lucky escape! My father bought one new just after he retired, expecting to be able to run it for at least a decade before problems arose. It had to have its sills welded before it even reached its first MOT...
  11. If you're going by boat, lets hope that the water isn't too lumpy...
  12. Email from Royal Mail saying that my Booster is in their grubby mitts and that I can expect it to arrive tomorrow... Thing with RM is that if you're not in, they'll leave a card and take it back to the Delivery Office where you can either pick it up the next day or reschedule delivery. Pick up is ok for me as the DO is about 400 yards away...
  13. Sunshine Superman - Donovan Have I done this one before???
  14. No, but we're told its all in the name of inclusivity...
  15. Along with the mandatory "4 field rotation"... And if you could throw in a reference (with diagrams) to the formation of ox-bow lakes, you'd definitely be in the running for a high grade!
  16. Only one more to go after this.... Q: How do Christmas Trees get their email? A: They "log on"!
  17. Where do you think pubs get their "lager" from?
  18. There's some chat about that a few pages previously. I think the designer was a trainee so it might have been a "what if" exercise for the telly in measuring a loco up (a B4) and CAD work, coupled with their new 3d printer. It'll be interesting to see if it shows up on the 9th.
  19. The "Lloyds Bank" coprolite. A remarkably well named piece of sh*t!
  20. Not quite. I'd started at the bottom.....
  21. You need to send a postcard if you make it home...
  22. Hroth

    EBay madness

    A methy colour would be sort of purpleish?
  23. You may think so, I couldn't possibly comment... 😜
  24. I suppose its a point of view. As far as the period between the departure of the Romans and the reigns of the later Anglo Saxon Kings, there's nothing that could be described as "Medieval" in England. Early Medieval as far as the British Isles is concerned is very much 900AD to 1100AD. This backdating of Medieval to the end of Roman Britain is almost as bad as model railway "eras"... Perhaps there should be another label to replace the "Dark Ages", which was fine when we didn't have all thes recent archaeological evidence, but "Medieval" isn't it! As for "Nordic" Wikipedia says: Which sounds terribly "Adolf".... Sometimes Wikipedia is a bit odd.
  25. Like Banananas, a difficult word to stop spelling!
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