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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Its probably saying "Don't eat the blue ones, they make you feel ill..."
  2. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Between christmas and the new year, I ordered a new 67mm UV filter for my camera, to replace the previous one that became "broken". UV filters are there purely as a sacrificial measure to protect the front element of the lens. The old one performed its duty... Anyhooo... You'd think the vendor would pop it in a padded jiffybag* and put it in the post. I'd have got it on Tuesday. But no, they've sent it by Yodel, so its arriving some time today. Probably in a padded jiffybag. Stupid b@stard. Ebay madness at its most typical! It arrived just now. Luckily the padded bag fit through the letterbox, but the deliveroid couldn't be arsed to ring the doorbell so I only realised that it had been delivered when an email to that effect turned up... * Other padded bag systems are available.
  3. Would that be a set of faux-HD A4s made from a batch of mazak-rot susceptible metal? A special time limited offer!
  4. The main thing is that the hole in Olympic is in her arse end, rather than the front (ok, replace stern and bow if you insist*..). It does show that the watertight bulkheads in the design could cope with "localised" flooding. The shot of Hawke also shows what a silly idea Rams** were! Couldn't even sink a civvy ship! * Purists only! ** Ram so badly damaged that a collision mat had to be rigged to stem the inflow of water...
  5. You do remember that SK was very taken by a demonstration of a set of VR goggles in the first H:AMW series? 🤪
  6. Now that is one dyspeptic looking pigeon! I wonder what it ate that disagreed with it so much...
  7. May I refer my esteemed colleague to the medal tables in recent Olympics, especially in 2012 where England "medalled" in a wide range of sports, including swimming. But, to quote a famous fictional civil servant, "Meddled? You may think so, I couldn't possibly comment... "
  8. I didn't want to waste them, but if you're adamant... Q: This is a question A: This is an answer.... There you go!
  9. Depending on the year, it may have been a 3 day week, unless Red Robbo had 'em out on strike over the frequency of tea breaks. That could last for several weeks at a stretch, with cars rusting on the production line...
  10. Wasn't the preference for a lower degree of superheat driven by their choice of coal? Once it couldn't be readily obtained, they had to change the amount of superheating.
  11. Didn't he give Lizzy 1 enough of a cut from his depredations against the Spanish?
  12. Whilst taking the decs down tonight, I found two more Cracker jokes hidden behind some swags of tinsel. Do you want me to post them??? 🤪
  13. On the 12th Day of Christmas All the decs came down And the place was as dull as dull can be.... @Coombe Barton The version of the Boars Head Carol I remember the most is, of course, by Steeleye Span.
  14. Some lazy bu@@er in marketing has obviously asked an AI image generator to produce an image containing a loco, a single prop aircraft and two cars all draped in black. Its not even interesting!
  15. Yex, I do like the BTC black livery, dead sophis!
  16. Not everyone has access to a MBT...
  17. And the meaning of "nice" has changed over the centuries too. I suppose we should rejoice in having a fluid, responsive language, not fettered by an organisation governing correct usage.
  18. You just have to keep an eye open for plonkers parking across your driveway?
  19. Apparently Chimpy didn't know the species existed... Obviously needs to be added to his multi-volume "I-Spy Aussie Snakes"...
  20. Once upon a time "Gay" was perfectly usable as an alternative word for "happy" or "cheerful", especially in a party or activity context. For example, there was a hire boat company at Tewkesbury on the River Severn called "Gay Cruisers" as late as the mid-70s... Its sad to see how vocabulary usage can contract.
  21. Some were ok. Some WERE crap. It was all the luck of the draw.
  22. I remember a Punch cartoon of a council employee repainting a white line in the middle of the road, replicating the outline of a busty young lady waiting at a bus stop...
  23. I don't understand beetroot at all... And the proximity of the grease is worrying!
  24. The L1 locos are an open goal for Hornby, who must surely consider the class to be one of their own "particulars". The problem with multiple units is that they tend to be relatively expensive, especially if buit with all the bells'n'whistles expected nowadays. Look at the Hornby reissue of the 110 DMU. Pricy for a Railroad Plus issue, even though comments have been made that there are no appreciable differences between the reissue and the original issue*... Going on from that, I can appreciate that MU stock consists of 2, 3 or more coaches and you can't expect the number of coaches in an MU to retail at less than buying coaches individually. And then one of them contains a motor and associated gubbins, so its really no more expensive than buying a loco and several coaches all at once. But with the loco, you can opt not to buy extra coaches, so multiple units "appear" to be a more expensive option. * Mainly an improved motor bogie and DCC socket?
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