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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Complete rephrasing might be more acceptable! "Lunch Bags. 100% recycled plastic!" Though a bag capable of holding recycled lunches might be useful in a car...
  2. That definitely counts as muddling....
  3. If you must know... 2mm/ft N 2.5mm/ft TT:120 3mm/ft TT3 4mm/ft OO 7mm/ft O, O-16.5 Which I think of as an elegant sufficiency... 🤪 And as people are having weather, all that is happening here is miserable cold'n'damp. Time to put the tea on.
  4. The really worrying thing is that someone would want to tell the world that they eat so many sphagetti hoops....
  5. Some Lima locos used to require the buffers to be removed before lifting the body shell off, but they didn't have screws to be removed too... Apparently the 2nd generation HM7000 21 pin sound decoders are smaller than the 1st gen ones, but how many of the 1st gen ones are still in the supply chain is a problem.
  6. Its because it sounded cultured and poetic. And now you're stuck with it.... Its all a bit Boaty McBoatface, or Brexit. Never trust a referendum for something important! Gosh! Doesn't Adam Hills look young!
  7. But the way the Carry On universe works suggests that it would be called " Carry On Trekkin' "...
  8. Sony minidisc recorders (remember them?🤪) had a similar approach. Sony produced several with USB connection which would have been handy if they supported straightfoward drag'n'drop*, but transfer was through an ill designed and executed program. Luckily I'd bought it from Argos and returned it easily for a full refund... * I know that Minidisc has a different encoding method and doesn't support MP3, but the Sony program made conversion and transfer an almost impossible hoop-jumping exercise.
  9. Gurt and Daisy? 🤪 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsie_and_Doris_Waters Not that I remember them, but its the sort of thing my granny used to mention...
  10. The Amadroid struck this afternoon! I'd been having a light lunch while the radio burbled quietly. Picked up the tablet when it pinged to find that a delivery I was awaiting had been "delivered". Behind the bins. The bu@@er hadn't even bothered to ring the doorbell (just checked, its working) or tap on the door. Just dumped the item, took a snap of it nestling forlornly behind a bin and did a runner... Grrrrrrr... And even better, its NOT what I ordered, so its going straight back!
  11. Those ruddy widdling mice again.... 😒
  12. But back then, there was no internet, and we had to source amusement somehow. And pity those who were unable to reach the top shelf of the newsagents magazine shelves in those olden times....
  13. Or a Chromebook, where the browser IS the primary OS interface?
  14. But what about the crocs, spiders, snakes, etc...? Actually, I've just had a thort... There are 193 nations represented in the UN. To be in the top 20 "happiest" nations in the world isn't too bad! There, that's cheered me up no end!
  15. I knew there was something that I was going to do this morning. Thanks!
  16. One really does wonder about the methodology used to assess "happiness".
  17. Actually, it's the prototype AT-ST https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walker_(Star_Wars) 🙃
  18. At present, I have zero usable model railway and far too much in the way of locos and rolling stock... And I'd rather not talk about the number of scales I'm dabbling with!
  19. I'll just say one thing. Mouse wee. Ruddy things are non-stop incontinent!
  20. I see the Welsh are now starting to enforce the 20 mph speed limit. As I understand it, initially they will be stopping people who are driving between 20 and the old speed limit and offering "words of advice" , those exceeding the old limit will be proceeded against. Beware of the Heddlu!!!
  21. The trouble is, you have to let them attempt to tear your throat out before a helpful chap turns up to empty his revolver into it!
  22. I'm not sure I could be doing with all the mouse wee all over the place!
  23. The woman is actually the bloke in reds wife. The bloke in black is making an assignation with her... The bloke in black should be asking the question!
  24. Or at least a central power rail to make return loops easier to wire...
  25. Only if it's going in the direction YOU want to go! Otherwise it might be quicker to walk. At canal speed of 4mph plus locks (15 minutes a lock) it STILL may be quicker to walk! The LMS had fingers in many pies... https://www.lmssociety.org.uk/topics/canals.shtml
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