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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Grey, cool, looks damp but isn't. An ideal day for finding things to do indoors and keeping warm. A small packet from ebay was dispatched by the witless vendor by Yodel. The Yodel "tracking" page on their website announced that I should expect it on Monday. It arrived this morning. Luckily I was A. up and B. in...
  2. Surely that should be Flap flap flap flap......
  3. I initially read that as burst, rather than bust.
  4. UIs are designed by younguns who think that tablet and phone UIs and "apps" are cool and the way everyone works. Personally, I don't use a desktop like that at all, and tend to try and make Android tablets work the way I usually work. As for particular Android* apps, the current iteration of Firefox is driving me up the wall. It just doesn't work right! I want it to open on a homepage of my choosing.... * As for iPads, etc, I wouldn't use one if someone gave it to me for free.
  5. Perhaps you should tell them to calm down a bit? 🤔🙃 Or even try an ultrasonic animal/teenager repellant device ?
  6. Don't try this in an Austin 7. The track width is remarkably similar to the gauge, and with the skinny tyres, its possible for the tramline to take control.... Or so I'm told!
  7. I bet they'd be sad that Flying Scotsman isn't a horse....
  8. Happy Days! Of course, back then the entire range was smaller, with 1 loco/1 livery during the year so they could afford to shoot each one and have three large pictures per page. We didn't have the railroad/main range split either.
  9. Another 14 gone since I posted on Wednesday, eh?
  10. Warley too? It's the End Times, I tell you...
  11. It must mean something to the urban hipsters, but you wouldn't want to kiss the twirling end....
  12. Some people have too much time, and a thesarus on their hands.
  13. 'orrible. I'm glad we only have Adders, even though Aussie tourists gravitate towards them...
  14. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Rename the Money Pit as 2744 Grand Parade and it can represent that loco, destroyed in the collision at Castlecary in a snowstorm in December 1937.
  15. Regarding the coal wagon for Tewkesbury There must have been several flour mills in the Tewkesbury district, but the one I was particularly aware of (having moored overnight near it...) was at the confluence of the Rivers Avon and Severn. Grain arrived by barge from Gloucester, even in the mid-1970s. To be honest, I've no idea how the flour, etc was sent onward, or where the fuel to drive the mill came from.
  16. TBH I don't think he had the technology either. Look how long* it took the Brunels to dig their tunnel under the Thames a few years later! * 1825 - 1843, and they had the tunnelling shield that Marc Isambard Brunel invented. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thames_Tunnel
  17. There are a few fairly visible posts on the Forums main page by the key mod Andy York, labelled AY mod. Hover your mouse pointer over the label and an info panel will pop up. There is a message button on the bottom left of the panel. Click on it and compose your message. Hope that's helpful!
  18. I've just amended it to reveal the secret code. Its not a pretty sight... Of course, The Beatles knew all about the pothole situation "'oop North" over 55 years ago...
  19. And then throwing it all up in the air, saying "To hell with it, we won't bother." and using money earmarked for the scheme as feelgood bribes in the run up to a general election... Potholes? Really???
  20. I've still got a whitemetal chimney that I got from Hobbies for some project or other. Its about an inch long... 🙂 Hobbies was a required port of call whenever we went into Liverpool. Boring stuff like dolls and dolls houses and such downstairs. Upstairs a delight of model railways... Are those real air rifles in the lefthand window display. or just cap guns? And the tail-end of a car in Tarleton St, before they pedestrianised the area. I remember dad driving along Church Street and Bold Street so we could see the Christmas lights...
  21. If anyone is still hankering after a black Dapol Terrier for 150 quid, Hattons have now got (at time of posting) 240 of the little devils. https://www.hattons.co.uk/295234/dapol_7s_010_015_class_a1x_terrier_0_6_0t_in_plain_black/stockdetail Don't know where they came from, either they found another couple of cases as they sorted stock for clearance, or Dapol sent them over on SOR...
  22. My problem with that sort of industrial archeology is that its evidence of a waste of time, effort, money, and national infrastructure. Though it doesn't almost reduce me to tears and want to find a baseball bat as "Before and After" railway photo books do. One about the remains of the Great Central Railway really annoyed me...
  23. They did have a couple of catch points left a while ago.... And any number of black Dapol Terriers, which is odd as last week they disppeared from the listings after there being "more than 10". Currently they say 250 in stock. Very odd!
  24. You ought to convert the "luxuriant front weed patch" into a reed bed system to act as a waste water purifier. Chester Zoo have a small one that handles the output from the Elephant enclosure... https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1658217
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