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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I think he was just trying to say that the lower the centre of gravity the better. It just got lost in translation....
  2. You should try them with lime jelly cream, made with gin...
  3. Overnight snow here has largely melted. Shoo, SHOO!!!
  4. And how often would they be looking at that mirror? You often wonder if they ever use the side mirrors when "proceeding", those probably only get used when reversing...
  5. The problem with HGVs is that once they're that close, they can't see your brake lights anyway, and may well be busy with other things...
  6. Is the "slight retardation" due to the system doing a bit of regeneration when the foot comes off the go-faster pedal? As for IC vehicles, those with auto transmission don't slow down as readily as manual ones do.
  7. Unless the tailgater is an Audi, BMW or Tesla driver, where the behaviour is intended to cow the driver in front into pulling in and let the "Lord of Creation" proceed unimpeded on their merry way. If I had a crap car, I'd be tempted to brake test them... Though it would be fun to be able to flash the brake lights without touching the brake pedal!
  8. Hroth

    EBay madness

    The verbal equivalent of a Nutrimatic drinks dispenser. Share and Enjoy!
  9. How about multi-coloured hundreds and thousands, or crumbled Cadburys Flake? 🙃
  10. This might be controversial, but what are the views about jelly in trifle? 🤔
  11. I expect the Moths were safe because they were too slow for the predictors... You must also correctly layer your trifle construction for visual appeal! Addendum to the Snow Report. According to the BBC weather app, its sleeting at present. The Met Office app says snow. Which is what's currently descending. Do people still trust the rubbish that the BBC app guesses at? The peril of choosing the lowest bidder!
  12. SNOW! You can tell without even opening the curtains, its so quiet. I'm just hoping it'll melt away soon, like fairy gold...
  13. Hail Caesar! Tribalism is rife, I'm afraid...
  14. My last order took three days from confirmation to packing and arrived this morning. Considering the circumstances, I think that is most creditable.
  15. But then there was Cantril Farm - oops - Stockbridge Village. The name change didn't improve matters on the Farm... As an indication of the state of Kirby New Town, a dirge was written about the place by The Teardrop Explodes
  16. Hroth

    EBay madness

    And about as edible as...
  17. A good thing Freddie Starr wasn't about, feeling peckish...
  18. They don't look right to me, I never made mine go so fast. Either they're glassfibre replicas or the pedal mechanism has been altered...
  19. Its an ongoing task! 🤪
  20. Its probably best to maintain that distance...
  21. It'll be the Feather.
  22. Though parts of Manutopea have much in common with Telfland... As for sheds, we all feel for you. 🤪
  23. So that's what the Titanic was up to...
  24. They can "drive", the problem is that they don't do it very well. They also don't have driving licences or insurance, the form filling alone is beyond their limited abilities. Finally, they don't own what they "drive", the vehicles are stolen, either for a specific purpose or as what are called "pool" cars, for general criminality. In the interest of fairness, the above indictment also applies to scrotes across our fair land, not just Telflanders.
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