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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I suppose it all depends on what you want to come OUT of the lift...
  2. They don't make saucy postcards like they used to!
  3. Rather similar to the instructions for removing the body of certain types of model locomotive....
  4. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Did you notice the little photo of the vendor? He looks like an estate agent from the nasty end of the market... Definitely a candidate for a "MC" award!
  5. Looks like an ordinary bidet to me...
  6. I doubt that the keepers would appreciate being pebble-dashed!
  7. Paddington was one of the pointless answers (which none of the contestants got) in a round about Agatha Christie titles on Pointless this evening!
  8. I don't know about 12 Days of Christmas, but there seems to be an unhealthy preoccupation with all things Scottish. Perhaps it was thought up the day after a previous Burns Night. This years is only a week off. One dreads what will they come up with...
  9. Sounds like 10pm-12pm with John Peel in the mid-70s.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Peel However, I don't think I recall him ever playing Shatner. 🤪
  10. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Perhaps it should be returned to the skip where it was found? Its up to 9 bids now... (You don't have to pack the usual ebay link vomit into a tinyurl, just delete everything after the ? in the link to get https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225958165201 )
  11. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Ours is Green bin landfill, Grey bin recycle and Brown bin garden waste, if you pay an arm and a leg for the service.
  12. Thr BBC weather app predicted wintery showers for last night. The Met Office app predicted 30% snow. Guess what, we've got 30% deep'n'crisp'n'even* lying about outside. And, I've another dental appointment this morning. Hey ho...,. * Perhaps not "deep", it looks more like NHNs 5mm...
  13. Possibly only as a Regent, unless something happened to the children too. After William, its George, Charlotte and then Louis before we get to the former spare. Consider Richard lll, a scheming uncle (allegedly) in charge isn't a recipe for a happy ending, though I hear Leicester has many spare carparks... I just thought, Anne would make a far better Regent. Or Edward for that matter.
  14. And there's no escape...
  15. I'll admit, it was more a thought experiment than something I'd actually attempt, especially as I like my current car. But would they dare? Their dashcam would show how close they were to you well before your brake lights came on. Being so close to you, their dashcam wouldn't show anything to prove that you weren't breaking for a legitimate purpose. And of course, if they hit you, they would be at fault, and you'd be able to dob them for "whiplash" injuries. Of course, the boot would be on the other foot if you braked sharply and your brakelights didn't come on...
  16. Everyone that has or had a Labrador will know that the Seafood Diet is their pets favourite....
  17. Then Hornby would need to do something to reflect the MANCHESTER end of things. I just can't think of any suitable Manchester candidates....🤔 Runs off, giggling wildly..... 🤣
  18. Mainly because they look better than the Thompson Pacifics did in the flesh...
  19. A thought: Clubs and individual modellers might consider having a Toob presence*, and try to gather some followers/revenue that way, rather than losing the revenue and exposure to other Toob streams! * For example, a club might appoint a "Media Exposure member" to the committee. They'd probably have to be one of the younger members...
  20. I've got a 4.5" beginners reflector, with associated lenses on an equatorial mount, which I bought years ago when I thought I'd like to do some astronomising. Sadly where I moved to a couple of years ago has no clear horizons and there are two bl@@dy high-mounted LED streetlights flooding the front and rear of the property. Not being able to see the Milky Way is a minor problem, and the only star I see on a regular basis is the Sun!
  21. I've often thought that trifle bowls and serving spoons are always too small... All this talk had me thinking...🤔 But I'll be brave! 🤪
  22. Played Pooh-Sticks a week or so ago. Just got the All Clear letter! Apologies to anyone consuming their lunch... (Other meals are available)
  23. I thought everyone knew that lovely slurpy sound...
  24. Yep. it can have terrifying consequences...
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