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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I'm not that sure I'd like to be that close to the front end of a hippo, but if it suddenly started to turn around..... 😬
  2. A look back into the past..... A quarter page Hattons ad from the back pages of Railway Modeller, working through HD surplus 3-rail after the shutdown of production at Binns Road. This came from the infamous "Modern Image" RM of May 1964! The other companies represented by adverts on the same page were EAMES The Model Shop (Manchester) Caledonia Model Co.
  3. I was just browsing through the depths of my hard disk, and came across this "Model" related google ad that was included in these august pages back in April 2017, when RMweb was first introducing adverts. Looks like something that might be available from Noch/Preiser to enliven a layout... 🤔
  4. I get two of their Amazon/Kindle "suggested reading" emails every day... If I'm going to buy a book, ie that its something that I want to read, then I'll get the physical version, so I have something that I can either keep after reading, or I can pass on to someone else or a charity shop. I'm very resistant to Kindle books that are priced at a pound or so less than the hardcopy version. Kindle purchases are those priced at what I'd call "charity shop" level, 99p to 2 quid. At that price, I'll sometimes duplicate books that I have in hardcopy for instant gratification on my android tablet rather than hunting it down off a bookshelf. Others are by authors that I've enjoyed in the past but haven't read, such as the Cicero trilogy by Robert Harris that popped up the other day at 99p each, £2.97 for all three. The "set" is back up to £9.99 today... The kindle library is handy for holiday reading!
  5. Today has become dry, bright through a light overcast and the winds have subsided over the past hour or so after a very wild night. The wind direction was such as to blow one of the seed tubes off the bird feeder... I'll pop it back on when I go out for a post-storm visual inspection in a while. ... Topped up the seed tube and returned it to the feeder, no storm damage elsewhere either (The Dalek stayed put too!) so all a ✔️ 🙃
  6. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Its US ebay, funny things happen over there. Just look how many want the Orange Lunatic back...
  7. Hmmmmmm..... He does seem to have a grip of the essentials...
  8. It must be a tad windy on those bikes.... There's a kickstarter* campaign to publish the collected strips in book form. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/supercc/tina-tailpipe-the-complete-collection-by-john-richardson * How appropriate!
  9. The only problem would be that after each evening, the parrots would end up with an extended vocabulary!
  10. They're more likely to have externally fitted tags for frequent examination.
  11. After each television and radio news broadcast, there should be a 5 minute segment of swearing parrots, which would cheer viewers/listeners up no end!
  12. The main question is, what the hell was he doing in Widnes?
  13. Its the Magical Mystery Tour!
  14. Its bucketing down at present with wind speeds a mere 17-21 mph. However, from 2pm, its going to double and more for the next 18 hours, before falling back exhausted to 20 mph around 9am tomorrow morning. Mind you, this is the opinion of the BBC weather app, which is about as useful as a chocolate fireguard. Looking out of the window is more accurate!
  15. @monkeysarefun is our resident avian expert, perhaps he ought to give an opinion?
  16. I just had another thought. Does this mean that if we peel back the skin of our forehead, we can locate our HSIN? (H. Sapiens Identification Number) Its not a handy place to put it!
  17. Swords of a Thousand Men - Tenpole Tudor
  18. A terrifying example of the degeneration of H. Sapiens. We're running out of jaw-jaw, that's why there's more war-war....
  19. Hroth

    EBay madness

    If you've seen the videos of Sam "refurbishing" an X04 commutator with a Dremel* fitted with a wire brush, you'll get a hint about how some refurbishments proceed... * Other rotary tools are available...
  20. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Of course, some say that Moses was a biker...
  21. Hroth

    EBay madness

    So good that some American schools ban it because of the sex and violence it contains...
  22. Or the perils of taking a careless stroll one morning in May...
  23. More often than not its making things up and telling porkies! Last week, when we had the snow, it swore blind that there was nothing more than a 20% chance of a wintery shower (the one with the rain blob and the hail blob) on the horizon...
  24. Even when you ate Readybrek? I particularly like that advert because it's set on a bleak, cheerless railway station in the BR Blue era... The area around Dartmoor is a radon hotspot too.
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