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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Thats the bunny! I did it at O level, but I thought I'd mention GCSEs as an age-cloaking device. 🤪 Linear Programming was an activity I've never had to participate in in my subsequent careers, even with a degree and masters, hence my inablity to remember what it was actually called... I've fallen into the modern literacy/numeracy trap too, as O levels are considered to be so archaic as to be ignored. There were some online assessment programs to plough through before it was conceded that I was numerate enough and my literacy was beyond doubt... Hey ho!
  2. Sounds like one of those exercises that used to crop up in GCSE maths, where a certain portion of a graph would reveal the "sweet spot"...
  3. Didn't Johnnie once remark, live, on air, "May all your cakes look like Fannys"?
  4. We're talking about Sainsburys egregrious anti-shoplifting methods here, not check in at an airport!
  5. You wait for someone who HAS bought something to scan themselves through and follow them through, or (and this would be my preferred method) push at the barrier so the alarm goes off and tell the security bod, who will no doubt officiously bustle up, that you haven't made a purchase because you didn't like the look of anything on offer, and that you would like to leave PLEASE? Enough people doing that and they'll leave the barriers open. I suppose there's a shoplifting problem....
  6. But here, the best you could hope for would be something leading to a Level 2 in Public Service.
  7. There are a number of largeish houses like that in the district, with a rendered coat applied for protection. One even has a decorative "Wedgwood" inspired frieze around it, just under the eaves. I wouldn't like to comment about the type of brick used, the removal process looked as it was fairly vigorous!
  8. Temperamental? I suppose they ARE safe to handle once decapitated...
  9. Military service training will be one of the "compulsory" opportunities offered to Universal Credit claimants at JobCentreDoublePlusGood...
  10. Oh well, here goes... BOB! Knock it all down!!!
  11. Perhaps reduction to a shell means it can now be classified as a "new build" and thus VAT exempt? Rather like land owners used to remove the roof from unoccupied properties to make them exempt from rates?
  12. Definitely well worth watching!
  13. Funny you should say that. I occasionally pass a house, detached and in its own grounds . It went up for sale, was sold and then the builders moved in. To do some renovations, I thought. But no, they removed the doors, windows, interior and roof, blasted off the render, reduced it to a mere brick shell and are currently in the process of putting it all back together again... I expect an ironing board problem was at the root of all that too!
  14. The drivers licence looks ok, but why does it appear to have a Triffid on it? Is it another dangerous thing to be aware of when visiting Australia, or is it just endemic to NSW?
  15. Your mistake was not to make the shelf supports adjustable. If you had used a slotted shelving system you could have just moved the brackets up several notches until the blasted legs fit. I know its too late now, but... OTOH a hacksaw should solve the problem in a more expeditious manner, and the feet on the end of the legs should hide the evidence of tampering!
  16. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Sounds like their Automation/AI needs to go on a retraining course!
  17. Some people like the sound of the bells, and if they don't strike when expected, there's an unexpected hole in their soundscape!
  18. Its like the complaints that come from people who move to a picturesque village, with a parish church with an active ring of bells, and then start whinging about the noise on practice night and that their Sunday morning lie in is spoiled by the racket from the church!
  19. I'd forgotten the BGB was supposed to be today! I'll do it tomorrow sometime, I'm sure a day late doesn't matter... 🤔🤪
  20. One assumes they don't get close enough to hear the built in squeak...
  21. Marvellous stuff, it cleans a big big carpet, for less than half a crown!
  22. Its a case of horses for courses.....
  23. I'd recommend the Morley Vector Zero Three which is a bargain at £94 including delivery. Its a perfect plug'n'play replacement for anyone still running an old Duette. Currently Morley have a few "bargain" Grade A Morley Vortrak Zero Ten - Crawler controllers with free Postage for £143.95. A bit more expensive as it's a 4 track controller! http://morleycontrollers.com/default.asp No connection, just a satisfied customer!
  24. Have you enough thick pea soup to accompany them with?
  25. The Len Deighton cookery articles were published in book form* some time ago. I've a copy, but can I find it? Nooooooooooooooooooooo..... * https://www.amazon.co.uk/Action-Cook-Book-Len-Deighton/dp/0007305877
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