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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Surely that would be a double bang?
  2. The more exalted the rank, the stickier the volunteering opportunities become. For example, I'm sure that HH wouldn't volunteer to be thrown into the Bay of Biscay with an attache case of forged documents shackled to his wrist...
  3. Or the difference between the Salvation Army woman and the nun in the bath. Then there's the one about the nuns, the bicycles and the cobbled road. Though that doesn't involve soap...
  4. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Not during the day/at busy times, I expect, though there may be some hiding in any "sit down" facilities...
  5. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Completely unrealistic, its TOO CLEAN*! Of course it should have a smell dispenser too... * eg where's the flourescent green growth up the dividers, the verdigris on the piping and the cistern should be black with rusting seams...
  6. If you're going to heave, do it over the loo'ard rail, ye lubber!
  7. If you were one of the Slain, you wouldn't argue with any of that bunch about being carted off to Valhalla!
  8. Tear along the dotted line!
  9. I read the first sentence of the "History" paragraph as "initially released as a diuretic product", which struck me as being particularly apt...
  10. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Yes, the Mk3s were introduced with TT in 1957 and were migrated to OO/HO at the same time. You can see the burned-out coach has the "half-moon" Mk2B coupling.
  11. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Wellllll.... Its OLD Triang for sure, its got the pre-tension lock couplings that were phased out in the later 50s and open axle boxes. Its of its time, sad someone set fire to it! Ok, so its in good nick, but methinks the vendor is pushing their luck by a factor of £3000 or more!
  12. You have to, if only to be able to say "I tried it and didn't like it". Some Guinness merchandise is entertaining. I've got a Toucan moneybox. Odd factoid. Dorothy L Sayers invented the Guinness "Toucan" adverts before she became a successful author.
  13. The PMJ has come a long way since they recorded "stuff" in Scott Bradlees flat! Sometimes a bit risky.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZY9_Xr5XPA But there was a fire extinguisher handy on top of the piano!
  14. A layout based on some riverside coal drops might be do-able with a minimum of a single loco and some wagons. A 4x2 diorama should suffice!
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Looks like someone tried to recreate the Beattock train fire in June 1950. Not in very good taste!
  16. 15 of the beggars, plus 5 more at Adderley, a little further uphill. Even if there's no one ahead of you, and your crew is going on ahead to set the locks further on in your favour, it'll take at least 10 minutes to pass each lock. So that's two and a half hours for Audlem, plus the time taken motoring between the locks which doesn't take long but still adds up. And if there's an "inefficient"* boat ahead of you, then its anyones guess... If you want a long flight of locks, there's the Tardebigg flight on the Worcester and Birmingham, 30 locks dropping the canal from the Birmingham level towards the River Severn. They take ages... * A polite term, if you get my meaning!
  17. Audlem once had a railway station, its mentioned in "The Slow Train" by Flanders and Swann. And if you want to go up or down the Audlem flight (in a boat!) its best to set off early in the morning, before the hire boats are about...
  18. Its a year of Portents to be sure. Warley exhibitition cancelled for good Hattons shuts up shop Hamilton leaves Mercedes for Ferrari One can only ask, WHAT NEXT?
  19. Good to hear that you're getting to grips with the new chariot. Regarding the bin collection, if you are allowed a free-form response, something damning with faint praise might be appropriate!
  20. OMG Just realised that Yeti is due an MOT in a months time....
  21. I'm surprised they don't have something similar to a "frequent flyers" scheme...
  22. Does the symbol on the front indicate that the unit is "driver powered"?
  23. My last purchase arrives today. I suppose I ought to remove my browser bookmark to the pre-owned pages. It sits there tempting "lets see what's on offer today", even though I KNOW there's no more to be had..... Trawling ebay isn't quite the same, the fibs and half truths about models you get there are offputting. It's just arrived. Well packed in a proper box. Bye-bye Hattons.
  24. Liverpool are having a new Mersey ferry built. Originally the hull'n'superstructure was to be built elsewhere and towed to Cammel Lairds in Birkenhead to be fitted out. The latest wheeze is to have the whole lot done at Lairds... On a smaller scale, when my parents were getting a narrowboat many (many) years ago, the options were much the same. Hull'n'superstructure, with windows and doors, with engine, fully fitted. It allowed you to get the boat at the level where you felt comfortable at being to complete it.
  25. We use cookies as we prefer to dunk biscuits in our tea! BTW, I tried the US method of cooking tea in a microwave. No wonder they think adding salt would improve the taste...
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