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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. For years, "Aussie Rules Football" was something the Football Pools used to offer for the fanatic gamblers to waste their money on when Real Football was on holiday. I don't think anyone in the UK knew what the mad Aussies were up to! As for Hollywood movies...
  2. Oh yes, the "old toothbrush". Also useful for cleaning moss out of car window seals...
  3. I may have a catch-up nap in the afternoon...
  4. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Another fine model from the above vendor https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/395184988670 A sadly butchered Triang Princess, masquerading as a "Jubilee"... The starting price is probably worth a pop for the X04 motor. Didn't take long to get through 1666!!!
  5. Generally, they bark, whine, growl, and howl. When they're feeling their oats, they scream. Good, eh? Paul Gambaccini doesn't like them screaming... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68244820
  6. The current wonder child of darts is a 16 year old. He doesn't look 16, he looks 20 years older, from the era when darts players would perform with an 'arrer in one hand and a pint of beer in t'other... That he's from Runcorn is not a glowing tribute to Cheshire... ION So far, the Yellow Snow has not arrived, just cold wet rain.
  7. Better than being offered the nearest muddy pool! Put a towel over the kitchen sink....
  8. I went to bed earlier but woke up and I'm trying to get tired enough to want to sleep again.. It worked. Got back to sleep 1am-ish and rudely awakened by Classic FM on the Echo Dot at 7am.
  9. Its the men off the telly! (Don't know why I said that, but it feels good)
  10. I've never had to buy "Special Clothing" for holidays EVER....
  11. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Would YOU buy a used car off this man? Though he does have mechanics fingers, perhaps he needs a new tub of Swarfega...
  12. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Hmmmmm...... I think I'll stick with my Heljan Baby Deltics, even though there's less to fall off this genuinely "kit built" example! Naturally, the advertised price has nothing to do with my decision...
  13. We could have used the Fairey Rotodyne More sensible than an Osprey?
  14. I see that the BBC is to introduce new DAB only channels as "spin offs" of their main radio channels, including a Radio 2 lite that will play popular music from the 50s, 60s and 70s, competing with the likes of Smooth. Radio 3 will also get an easy classics outlet that will go up against Classic FM. There will also be two Radio 1 based channels. Apart from the possibility that the commercial stations will resent the BBC jumping into "their" pond, they may see it as unfair ad-free competition. Where the BBC may come adrift is that they won't understand that their main stumbling block is that they don't have an easy streaming option, but force potential users to use the BBC Sounds portal, which is inflexible and requires users to log in before listening, which may be fine for the committed, but is a barrier to potential and casual listeners. Listeners to Smooth and Classic FM don't have to jump those hurdles to stream their music.
  15. Is that what they mean by "off grid" living?
  16. He's awaiting the call from the Orange Plonker to Make America Great Again?
  17. An attitude that means that I don't touch any of their product with a bargepole.
  18. Isn't it about time the cars lower in the field start having go-faster stripes as part of their livery? 🤔
  19. Their sticky, greedy fingers get everywhere...
  20. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Page 1666 eh? Remember, never play with matches!
  21. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Buy and Regret?
  22. You doze off and wake to find that your icefloe has melted all around you....
  23. You can't be beastly towards Panniers, you've got to choose a neutral object that the opponents can bond together to safely insult. Say, one of those ghastly green machines that trundled up and down the east coast? You know the one I mean...
  24. Its nice to be allowed out to play with friends!
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