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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hroth

    MRJ 301

    Oh well, I'll pick my copy up on Tuesday morning, when I take Yeti in for its MOT. I agree that, in a way, its a more expensive option than having a copy delivered by post...
  2. The lack of silencing is cheap and easy to determine... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233973648478
  3. That bit of red on the airscoop didn't convince Lewis? Its about time that bright yellow front and rear aerofoils on ALL cars were mandated to improve visibility at corners, etc...
  4. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Actually, it reminds me of the coaches in the slightly larger than OO gauge christmas tree train sets sold by HomeBargains in the run up to ... errrr ... Christmas!
  5. Hroth

    MRJ 301

    You're easily shepherded into a "bargain"? Or is delivery for the two the same as for just buying the mag and its a worthwhile buy? (I had another ovine pun in mind, but decided that discretion was the better part of valour!)
  6. Still too much black. Is black a cheaper pigment?
  7. Hroth

    EBay madness

    The best place to abandon it!
  8. The cries of "Sto Lat" are merely railway porters announcing the destination of the next departure... 🤪
  9. The time to start thinking about slip-on shoes? I've seen ads on the telly for fashionable slip on yoof-shoes, so they won't be seen as a sign of encroaching age nowadays...
  10. @SteveyDee68 the van might have been a Bedford Rascal, which was a badge-engineered Suzuki Carry. A Bedford example was rolled by Richard Hammond in one of Top Gears challenges...
  11. Not just that, but some local authorities are making noises about bans/enforcing bans on parking on pavements, for good and sensible reasons. However given that even small ordinary cars are so wide nowadays, this will mean that residents parking their vehicles on the road may well block the carriageway for anything larger than another "small" car. Fine for pedestrian safety, but a bit of a buggr if you want to get an ambulance or fire appliance through. The solution? God knows.
  12. That would be another iD sports model. The DSA Porch 'e' dropped for "reasons"...
  13. Lets be plain about this. The DSA Yeti. For those who would prefer to be able to buy a new Yeti. ( my only problem with "DSA" is that to me it means Dental Surgery Assistant...)
  14. @SM42 Hippo bathday two ewe Squashed tomatoes and stew Bread and butter in the gutter Hippo bathday two ewe! That reminds me, my ears appear to be vanishing too....
  15. And where would we be without "Our Tune"? I even got a fiver off Private Eye for something he said. It ended up in Colemanballs...
  16. I still have my mothers 1930s Banjolele. Its nothing like the ones that have a real banjo style body, but looks exactly like this that I found on t'net I've also got her instruction book, "The First Step: How to play the Ukulele & Ukulele Banjo" by Lew Stern. Price 1/- I may get it out and let the fleas hop free!
  17. Mmmmmmmm Pancakes!!!
  18. I suppose that as far as us landlubbers are concerned, any device that controls ingress or egress of liquids on a vessel is a "seacock"! As for the High Seas fleet, by time the Royal Navy were aware that the ships were riding rather lower in the water than might be expected, the physical conditions of the valves* would be moot, being under tens of feet of icy seawater and thus inaccessable. * Though smashing the control wheels in the open position would be a sensible precaution.
  19. 'twas how the German Navy scuttled the High Seas fleet in Scapa Flow in 1919. Glug glug glug....
  20. Under the forest of sponsorship its difficult to determine which team it belongs to. I mean, any team could field a red livery... I do applaud the inclusion of "Go Faster" stripes!
  21. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Well, thermionic and solid state diodes appeared at roughly the same time in the early 1900s (according to Wikipedia), so.... 🤪 Not that a battery loco running and presumably charging off a DC electric railway would have anything to do with such components! As for ebay...
  22. I vaguely recall the TV programme showing "execution by cannon" and the Flashman book too, though I don't recall his no doubt audacious manner of escape! I would have thought that there would be no need for the cannon to contain anything beyond the usual charge and wadding to keep the charge in place, which combined with the muzzle velocity of the expanding gasses would be enough to do fatal damage to the victim.
  23. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I tracked it down... Unusual, and an interesting attempt. I must say that with something like that, if I wanted one I'd have a bash at it myself! I don't expect it would be much different in appearance... The front does remind me of the face of Marvin the Paranoid Android (TV not film) Perhaps the diodes down the locos left side were giving it gyp...
  24. Glass Onion - The Beatles
  25. Seeing as the US appears to be following a downward trajectory in the application of cruel and unusual execution, perhaps an expansion of this will be the next to be considered... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Experiment_on_a_Bird_in_the_Air_Pump (Doing this on the "stupid" tablet, real thing to follow...)
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