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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. With a cover price of 15 cents, you're lucky it doesn't include a blond siren in mortal peril... A missing goldfish bowl is neither here nor there!
  2. But did anyone ask the mule if it wanted it's ass kissed?
  3. Looks more like a terrified tortoise!
  4. A page turner, I had to read it quickly so bits didn't stick in my mind... 🤪🤪🤪
  5. I've always been a voracious reader. I remember when I got my first childrens library ticket, and wanted to borrow a volume of an encyclopedia which I was much taken with. I was most disappointed to be told it was for reference only... The book I eventually borrowed was read in an afternoon, but I wasn't allowed to go back to the library and swap it for another that day! I can still consume a new book in a day or so. I recently got Jasper Ffordes new dystopian fantasy "Red Side Story" from the library. That took a day and a half, fitting in other things that needed doing. I'll re-read it again, a bit more slowly, before I return it...
  6. Dream a little dream of me - Doris Day
  7. Can't be any more boggling than a Tapir, and they can accidentially tread on theirs...
  8. With extreme prejudice?
  9. Got to get up and go go go. Yeti has to be taken and poked, prodded and certificated for another year on the road. Being an elderly Yeti, I'm quietly worried that this year might be a bit more expensive than usual.... --- Glad to report that Yeti is a happy Yeti. Got a cert for next year, but might need to get a pair of front boots sooner or later.
  10. Just lousy sub-editors getting things confused. The actual article does say which seems fairly clear.
  11. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I think they're actually rated as 240v @ 2.5A, there's something rather similar in the shade of the Anglepoise lamp on my desk, its been there for more than 30 years and hasn't turned into a molten puddle. Yet...
  12. Hroth

    EBay madness

    A brief flash, a clap of thunder and you'd probably melt your local distribution system... You'd have a lot of 'splaining to do! If you're still around to do so...
  13. You just have to scrape them off!
  14. Fool on the hill - The Beatles
  15. St Just. The Patron Saint of Radio 4 Panel Games.
  16. "Just" generally means several hours hard labour.
  17. I see you gave the Ford Rustbucket decent clearance in case the owner returned and flung his door open before you had made your escape! (I did check that it was RHD...)
  18. Peanuts originated in South America. In Ancient Rome, more likely almonds, pistachio or cobnuts... Io! or, as we're now on the Macdonald page, IoIoIo!
  19. Kept in a tub of vinegar so they'd stay moist and pliable. Nothing worse than a hard scratchy sponge!
  20. I prefer to call it "Old Yellowing Cream"...
  21. We should cut them some slack, its all Rule 1. Until some buffoon gives them megabucks for the result... Then all tolerance disappears!
  22. And its well known that cyclists* have difficulties with "are you a robot" tests as they have no idea what a traffic light is. * Particularly those who ride about at night wearing black hoodies with the hood up, and no lights on their bike. One shot across a red in front of me late at night the other week...
  23. One of those arty artisanal ones, hand made in pottery and sold in gifte shoppes and garden centres. The ones without a bung, to prevent premature withdrawal... ION On the weather front, it's actually sunny and both the BBC and Met Office weather apps claim that it will remain so all day, with temperatures in double digits! So the towels have gone in the wash, with sheets to follow... BusyBusyBusyyyy.
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