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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. But it does explain where the robot oven might have come from...
  2. You've been watching too many ambulance chasing ads on the telly. And look what happened to those poor no win no fee bu@gers who made claims for mould and their lawyers went bust... Parallel to the real world and the curtains stay put. Parallel to the floor, the curtains run and hide at one side. It all depends on what you want the curtains to do!
  3. Hroth

    EBay madness

    A row of three or four as hat/coat pegs in a footballers or sochil meeja influncers hallway? Cover in foil and cook in a preheated oven for 20 minutes/lb plus 30 minutes. Remove the foil for the last 20 minutes to brown.
  4. As Flanders and Swann sang "Oh it all makes work for the working man to do"...
  5. Silver Dream Machine - David Essex
  6. It does explain a lot...
  7. Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis the Pelvis 🤪
  8. I've a completely "original" Lima O gauge 4F, that hasn't turned a wheel for decades. When my 7mm project stutters into life, I may dig it out and see how far it runs before it gives up in disgust...
  9. Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend - Marilyn Monroe
  10. I think we've now covered most of the "Famous Belgians"? Oh wait, I forgot Guylian Chocolate Seashells...
  11. I'd book Fairport Convention...
  12. Not just WW2. The battlefields of WW1 are still producing crops of unexploded shells (from both sides) 106 years after the "war to end all wars" ended.
  13. But it had a camo cover on it, ideal for hiding dents...
  14. Old F1 cars could be sold off to local councils and used to unblock drains on roads that are prone to flooding. For track grids there's an easy fix. Just ban "ground effect".
  15. Probably not. Wallace appreciates good cheese. We just have to humour the old codger, being unable to distinguish between GOOD and BAD cheese must be a trial. Perhaps the best thing to do would be for us to club together and send him some packets of Aldi Cheese Slices...
  16. But like all things in life, there's good cheese and there's bad cheese. The melted processed cheese slices in burgers isn't GOOD cheese...
  17. Sometimes the forum behaves in a "quirky" manner. This morning I had some notifications that, when selected, took me to a place where I had apparently made no posts, though obviously kind members had felt moved to select an expression... Oh well!
  18. For starters, lose the bun, the revolting "cheese" and whatever is lurking in the bottom half... Then add the lettuce and tomato!
  19. I bet you hid from the Daleks too...
  20. I'm toying 🤪 with contrapting an O gauge trainset using Peco set track*. Basically a simple BLT representing a freelance "heritage railway", it won't have much in the way of scenery beyond the railway fence and the ballasting will consist of "granite effect" spray paint applied before laying the track. I may have a bash at "signalling", but operation will be by hand**. Stock is a mix of old Lima and Slaters wagons, rather newer Peco wagons, a Dapol Autocoach and Dapol locos (a 14xx and an 08 diesel shunter). The older stock may well be worked over with weathering powder, but I'm not going near the locos with the stuff! So yes, perhaps a bit more than a train set, maybe a layout but not a model railway as some folk would define such things. I don't give a flying 'eff. * Set track, rolling stock and locos bought at bargain prices, so its as inexpensive as possible . ** Given that 3 link couplings imply a Hand of God operating methodology, I won't be bothering with point motors or under-board rodding either!
  21. I remember that on one episode of QI, Sandi Toksvig claimed she had a model railway running on a shelf around the skirting board in her office. The loco appeared to be a Hornby Jinty in S&DR livery...
  22. No worse than making tea in a microwave which, I understand, is the preferred American method.
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