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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. All I can say is Bore da. And later on Nos da. I blame the pobl y cwm.... Once upon a time we could only get telly from Moel y Parc...
  2. Depends on the engineers actually listening to the driver. Some teams might not overencourage a crossflow of information. Engineers engineer, drivers do what they're told and drive.
  3. Mainly an exposure of unrealistic expectations.
  4. As its St Davids Day, I'm glad to say that I've found my copy of Welsh in a Week, a handy little booklet to help the reader "learn Welsh quickly by conversation". Only One Shilling! I don't know when it was published, but I think I got it in Barmouth over 50 years ago... The book gives translations for handy phrases, like the following, which are useful for travelling by train (apparently to Pembrokeshire). Do we change carriages on the journey? -> A ydyn yn newid cerbydau ar y daith? What is the name of the next station? -> Beth yw enw'r orsaf nesaf? I believe we are about ten miles and a half off. -> Yr wyf yn credu ein bod tua deng milltir oddi yno. I did not know we were so near -> Nid oeddwn yn gwybod ein bod mor agos. We shall be there in half an hour -> Byddwn yno ymhen hanner awr. This carriage shakes a good deal! -> Mae'r cerbyd hwn yn ysgwyd llawer iawn! Five minutes more and we will be there.-> Pum munud eto, a byddwn yno. The GWR wouldn't be happy abouth the characterisation of their services as slow and rough....
  5. You can tell its very wet, the school run is hectic, mums not wanting their little darlings to shrink in the wet! And the police helichopper is buzzing around like a demented bumblebee, I think they're chasing someone...
  6. I'll just leave this here... A "balloon" of semi-congealed blood I discovered this morning. At least I didn't drool it while I slept last night!
  7. Its raining outside... Much nicer indoors!
  8. I've got a 3 volume set of W&P on the bookshelf. Its been there for decades, it's not been touched yet....
  9. 'tis! Meterological Spring: 1st March Astronomical Spring: 21st March Of course, you'll be facing Meterological Autumn....
  10. It's TiggerDay because it's SPRING!!!
  11. But with the XXXXL T-shirt you can go camping and not have the bother of carrying a tent around....
  12. Spring already? Does that mean the central heating has to be turned off??? I think I'll leave it until after Astronomical Spring and the clocks have gone forward! Somewhere about Eastertide....
  13. Its a popular description of ancient burial practices with academic underpinnings. Quite an interesting read*, actually. Perhaps he's annoyed that she has a series of popular books AND a tv series, and he hasn't... * Yes, I've read it...
  14. I think it's called spalling, the sharp flakes can produce quite serious cuts on unprotected skin. Its been a feature of armoured warfare since the first tanks were deployed in WW1.
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    But does it work? Or is it one of those static models? 🤪
  16. ArghhhgggGristleGristleCrack..... And thats all I can mumble through numb lips.
  17. We had recycling bin day today too. One big wheelie bin takes all. Sometimes they turn up at the crack of dawn, sometimes late afternoon. Mid-dayish today!
  18. Rails are now selling on the Dapol plain black Terriers they got from Hattons. https://railsofsheffield.com/products/Dapol-7s-010-015-terrier-a1x-plain-black Only £125! Just noticed a rather weird paragraph at the end of the description Obviously a cut'n'paste error!
  19. As has been said, "The pendulum catches the eye".
  20. An oldie, from before 2010 when the LHC was activated and alarmists claimed that it would create a black hole...
  21. Drink lager. You won't notice any difference between input and output...
  22. Thats not the worst you might find... If the chicken in the supermarket appears to have burned legs: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-68406398
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