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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Or as we say, "All Other Destinations"...
  2. Is the cop using pink furry handcuffs to keep to the spirit of things?
  3. There was a programme about the Russian Army on the PBS channel on Freeview earlier this evening, and told how the Finns humiliated them during the Winter War in 1939. Putin seems to be making the same mistakes as his hero, Stalin did, nowadays...
  4. Hasn't the panto season finished?
  5. Yes, how many more processions are there this season?
  6. I was just going to say "Have they started yet?" Ok, radio silence until the C4 highlights are over*... * That is, when the cars stop running around, it's fair game once Coulthard starts cosying up to his mates!
  7. One can imagine a backsliding Bear starting at one end and slowly working his way to the other... I do say "imagine", I'm sure that his willpower is up to the task of resisting such temptation!
  8. Informative, but some ER residents get a bit upset about that sort of update. Its a bit of a puzzle why that should be so...
  9. As The Beatles sang, "Happiness is a Warm Tart" I think...
  10. And why they were subsequently "Too Shy"...
  11. My CH is staying on until Easter. But as that's at the end of the month....
  12. Looks like that bloke from Kajagoogoo...
  13. Flobalobdapopweeeeed?
  14. Likewise, but I'll be good and not go hunting such treats. Besides its raining and rather chilly out...
  15. There's rain on the windows here....
  16. And again, a call out for The Ladybird Book of the Shed! https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/291386/the-ladybird-book-of-the-shed-by-morris-jason-hazeley-and-joel/9780718183585 And there's a section on the use of sheds for parallel pieces of metal...
  17. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Typical Minitrix tank, all wheels geared together, no coupling rods. "May be painted" is an understatement!
  18. Not completely realistic, he needs a chest rug and a goldish medallion to complete the ensemble! And if you didn't have a tank top, a Huggy Bear saggy knitted jacket was essential...
  19. Picked up the Aldi special offers booklet for next week this afternoon. All the usual Mothers Day flowers and booze, and easter eggs. So far so usual. But in the column in the back for the week after, they're doing Easter Kevin the Carrots... The disturbing feature is that Kevin and his missus are depicted in Easter Bunny outfits, that look as if the bunny has eaten the carrot. Perhaps its a hint that Aldi are discontinuing Kevin? We can but hope!
  20. It was to be expected after Mr Beans synthetic moaning during the practice days. I was going to watch the C4 coverage, then I checked the BBC F1 news just before the C4 broadcast and decided that there were better things to do this evening... It'll be like last year, I'll keep an eye on the BBC reporting, and if it looks like it was "interesting", I'll watch the C4 highlights.
  21. And there are those who don't understand that Viz is a newspaper of record...
  22. And with Global Warming, they're going to have to learn to use woods like all the other Bears do....
  23. They'll do their #1s anywhere, the woods are where they go for their #2s.
  24. If we're all drowned, thats even more money in their pockets. We won't want it...
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