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Everything posted by ianmaccormac

  1. Can't you mask off with bluetac or something else? Looks interesting! Cheers Ian
  2. https://ianmaccormacmodels.blogspot.com/2018/ Hi Thanks @BlueLightning for the ad. The above link takes you to my blog where in 2018 I put pictures and prices of all the signal parts. Use the email mentioned on the EBModels website to get in touch. http://www.mjwsjw.co.uk/ Cheers Ian
  3. Keep at it! You are getting some brilliant results! And this is a great blog, keep that going too! Cheers
  4. that might well be the shape of the gears. Did you just trace something or did you use a formula derived curve? Getting there though aren't you!! Cheers Ian
  5. oh, and inside as opposed to outside cylinders! So not very close at all really!
  6. Lovely modelling! The banking engine looks very similar to the Bury rebuilds of 1850/1. A slightly different firebox, that seems the most difference. Anyway, keep producing these glorious early builds, absolutely delightful! Cheers Ian
  7. Yes that is an improvement but with higher gearing that would be a lot better. Go for it, you are going in the right direction and with a higher ratio, using the compound gears, you should be able to make it very controllable.
  8. Well a day of doing a whole load of bits but ending up with not a lot of visual difference! I realised with the Slater's axle on a taper fitting, I would need to make the driver removeable, in hornblocks. The front and trailing have allen key assembly and that is easy to get them out of the chassis, but the driver, not. I started making up a set of the lovely hornblocks from Steph Dale, the 47961 set. Lovely, all fine until I realised I needed too much height to fit them and there wasn't any metal left in the chassis to do that which was when I also realised I had drawn the chassis1mm down from its top but just in the area between the front and driving wheels! I don't know how or why but will correct this if I get this to production. I had drawn compensation beams either side of the motor, driven and trailing wheel. That wasn't working either. I had also made provision for springing using guitar spring steel in a bearing holder - Bill Bedford system in 4mm - and that would work for the driver so that is what I now have. I also started to trial fit the inside motion parts and have had to shorten them as they were getting in the way of the gearwheel. But all sorted now, and needs final fixing tomorrow. The photo is showing what I am trying to get and also the lower firebox and ashpan is there now. Anyway, more tomorrow. Oh yes, there are also dummy springs behind the driving wheel now but I'm not sure these are even visible here! Piping from clack to pump and from pump to tender tomorrow. Cheers Ian
  9. Hi Boxbrownie, I remember seeing a stereolithography machine on Tomorrow's World TV about the same time as CDRoms started. Fascinated then. Saw some smaller scale bits about 30 years ago in use at BAe I think it was, and am amazed that I can now produce something similar on my desk. I started this because I couldn't get my lathe to produce the finesse of parts in brass etc that I had in my mind but found when I started drawing in 3D last March that I could actually produce something very close to that using a £200 resin printer! I have continued since and am now very happy to be able to produce the parts I always wanted to. I am 63, have used computers since about 1980 when I drew a simple ship by joining co-ordinates with lines, before mice! I am a tryer out of things so have played about with an awful lot of bits and bobs over the last 40 years of modelling but nothing has changed my modelling as much as the 3D CAD and the 3D printing. This is the second loco I have developed, the first being a Slaughter Goods, see assembly diagram, which several people are building at the moment. I will be doing more with the techniques as the months and years progress, I just find there are not enough hours in the day sometimes to do all I want to! https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/about/outreach/resources/fusion_tutorials are where I started with the Fusion360 software which is free for hobbyists. Why not give it a go? Just by way of explanation, in the diagram, the grey parts are 3D printed, red or white are etched and yellow is wire, etc. I should add that the RMWeb tutorials on how to draw domes/chimneys etc in Fusion360 by Quarryscapes helped enormously too,
  10. I ended up drawing and printing the motion as I didn't like the etched version. So I am busy sorting it out and making it fit. The green is a shaft across the chassis just ahead of the drive gear and there will be another shaft across the bottom of the motion plates with the reversing lever at the end of it, carried in the bearings in the background, where you can also see the driven pump. More tomorrow! Cheers Ian
  11. Very simple to follow tutorials are available here. https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/about/outreach/resources/fusion_tutorials For more advanced work there is this person who also has a great range of videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvrHuaHhqHI Hope that helps Ian
  12. There being a great deal of not travelling today has meant I have only managed a bit more, sanding the boiler, fitting a few small bits and starting to assemble the static motion. I have discovered I have a pasty tooth!
  13. Sorry, had to return as I forgot to not pick up the extension lead I had lent an exhibitor. All safe and sound and back on my way again! Many thanks for the cuppa and pasty, where had you been hiding that! Cheers Ian
  14. Well thankyou very much to the organisers. I will try to make it again sometime but hopefully not in the same circumstances. I need not be going now as its not a long way to get back to Blackpool and it is Sunday service on the trains. Should make it back by midnight if I don't miss the last connection! Cheers, and the pasties were everything I expected them not to be! Ian Mac en route!
  15. Today, I have been mainly ……. gluing boiler together, fitting a few smaller parts and drawing the cartouche, number and lining which I will print as a transfer in either white or 'gold'. Other projects were on the bench today, we all have loads on the go, don't we? Cheers Ian.
  16. Starting to detail the body now with 3D printed parts and handrails etc. Hope to finish the body tomorrow and the tender and then it is just the chassis to finish. I am assembling some dummy inside motion that was on the test tetch so there should be something showing underneath to get the look of the profile nearer to true! Boiler fittings still just placed there. More tomorrow, Cheers Ian
  17. Good job it wasn't windy! Yes, the bugs are about up here too and so I am not painting again!
  18. Well I've been cracking on with this project and had hit a few snags with splasher to boiler clearances for 'finescale' wheel back to backs but have redrawn everything with inset areas for those to fit into and also joined the boiler to the firebox and smokebox, in two parts, and then printed them in the last 18 hours to get as far as this. Still need to get a bit more clearances, so another redraw with an extra 0.5mm of clearances and print should do it. Very pleased with this and it is keeping me fully amused!
  19. Good overview but no settings showing at 17mins as only main screen showing on video.
  20. An interesting idea. I have a spreadsheet set on my desktop with similar dimensions. Keep going!
  21. I seem to be quite a bit slower than you when I am designing bits for the 3D printer! That looks an interesting design, like the louvres!
  22. PCB Wizard! Yes that was the other software with Control Studio! I had my year 8 students making all sorts of alarms for their easter eggs, bikes, diary, etc. I find it hard to believe that I have been retired 4 years now due to Tinnitus, having stopped lecturing after 13 years in the Merchant Navy College at Fleetwood then and that it was whilst teaching in secondary schools design & technology two years before that, when I had to stop from the initial bout of Tinnitus, that I was using that software etc having been I on its initial trials about 8 years before that with Manchester University teacher training people. Golly, 27 years ago! Well, it is still very nice to see people putting into use some of the things they may have learnt in schools, that bit of being a teacher never leaves you. Do you do this just as a hobby?
  23. That looks interesting. Haven't seen that for about 20 years! Used to use a programme called crocodile clips and control studio that digitised the unilab systems boards and then output a pcb. I then had the students make up pcbs using the UV exposure and bubble etch tanks. There was a whole test procedure so everything could be made to work so a great motivator for them, I used to teach this with 13 year olds and they loved it. Nice to see people using this sort of thing in the hobby and being able to talk about it so well. Makes for an interesting blog. 20 days already!!!!
  24. I would be interested to see a comparison of the motors, sizes, speeds etc if you can do it? I haven't seen a breadboard for about 20 years so that was a shock! Used to teach D&T Control tech with those and then etch the boards. Keep going, very interesting. Cheers Ian
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