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Everything posted by ianmaccormac

  1. I think I should say on here that I was not expecting anything over the weekend but not only has Dennis been active on here but Stuart also contacted me by email and sorted out the so I could pay today, Sunday, and so that has all been done and I will get to go with the courier on Monday. I definitely wasn't expecting that and wish to express my thanks for such a wonderful set of people and let others know this too. Really looking forward to receiving this so am very pleased indeed. Many thanks again, Ian
  2. Dennis Hi, I have sent an email as this pre-order person did not receive the email. Thanks Ian
  3. I see Locomotion have their Boxhill Terrier for sale now! Looking forward to this. Cheers, Ian
  4. https://lyrs.org.uk/new/wagons/ shows one on a refrigerator van also.
  5. Thanks LaScala, I even commented in that thread there about a 4mm kit I was building at the time! Forgot all about that! Cheers. Am drawing up a 3D printing one for my use now! Cheers Ian p.s. Apologies Ken as this has drifted from your superb build! Hopefully leave you to continue now. Cheers Ian
  6. Cheers Ken, I'll investigate those. Many thanks Ian
  7. Just a point about Ferric Chloride disposal. If mixed with plaster of paris and let set, it can go in the normal bin. That was info from teaching in secondary schools but 20 years ago so may be things have changed? Cheers Ian
  8. Cheers Daifly, I have found where it was and it has the same tanks as in the kit. 202 that was in an early MRJ, a scratchbuild by Guy Williams. Lovely photo though!
  9. Hi Ken, an interesting loco the 517 class, so many variations! May I ask what the motor/gearbox is that you are using please? Can anyone confirm there is a variant with a much taller, thinner chimney? I'm sure I've seen pictures somewhere but cannot put my hand on them at the mo. Lovely bit of building, Cheers Ian
  10. Brilliant! That gives so much extra depth to the whole thing when looking left! Excellent extra. And the mugs look good too! Cheers Ian
  11. Hi Corbs Same here with the HP and Ghost. Close up is a mess but at normal viewing distance, not too bad. These in 7mm and two layers, colour over a white transfer.Cheers Ian
  12. Hi Njee20 Does the Aliexpress resin take long to turn up? Is that price including postage etc? The beauty of Amazon is it there the next day if required. Cheers Ian
  13. I also meant to say that IPA is available again for £20 for 5L from Ebay merchant ixion_unlimited in Sheffield and it gets sent out by courier with next day delivery. Excellent service. Less smelly than Meths which I had to use for 4 months, and I find kinder to the hands than Meths.
  14. Yes, the Amazon flash sales have been quite good for resin and I see someone got a washncure for a steal too. On the topic of fumes and printers, I am lucky in that I don't seem to be affected by the resin or the very slight smell. I use a Elegoo Mars and a Mars pro a lot, in the room I am typing this in, and have never had a problem, even when I had an original Photon. The Mars pro with the charcoal filter seems to be even less than the Mars without. The rest of the family haven't even mentioned it. The messy side has always been the clearing up after printing but I purchased an Elegoo Wash n Cure a few days ago and that is working very well and keeping most of the mess away from the bench too. Washing while objects still attached to build plate. The stronger UV system on the Mars Pro has allowed me to print a 7mm boiler complete, a little less than 1mm shorter than the build area, and although I have the grid gate issue, it only looks horrible, it hasn't actually made any effect on the surface of the print, but Elegoos excellent service team are sending me a fix from China for that. I am very tempted by the larger printers now appearing with the same resolution as these, as that will allow further experimentation! More anon.
  15. I have printed things for others if you drop me an email. Cheers Ianmaccormac@hotmail.com
  16. Following up from Hattons Genesis carriage thread. I have just created pre-group smoking transfers. See below and www.ianmaccormacmodels.blogspot.com
  17. I have a laser printer with ghost white toner and decal paper. See ianmaccormacmodels.blogspot.com in about 5 mins! And see the pre-grouping thread on here also. Cheers Ian
  18. I have just been using the MrDecalPaper laser transfer paper and a ghost toner to produce Terrier names etc. This first image shows the white underlayer, printed with the Ghost toner. Then swap to the normal black toner and print the rest as CMYK . There is a gloss Vallejo varnish under and between the layers but it does seem to be okay. This is a Dapol 7mm Terrier. See also www.ianmaccormacmodels.com
  19. Lovely work Eric, I had better get the etched plates sorted then! Cheers Ian
  20. Brilliant to see the correct 9 spoke wheels! Wonderful looking models!
  21. Just sold the photon for 65 gbp less than a mars pro. It does make a difference but Saturn from Elegoo in late November and this news from Anycubic and others for same size using 4k mono screen are going to be worth getting for the size. 7mm! Cheers Ian
  22. Red is a very translucent pigment so will usually need more than one coat! Looking good. Cheers
  23. The hobby is important! Thankfully we do have something that is both absorbing of time and of interest too! I've just bought a Mars Pro and the difference is clear, a better UV source gives better prints. Cheers Ian
  24. Blooming Heck! What a brilliant production! Well done all. Lots there to have a wander through! And such variety, fantastic! Cheers Ian
  25. Have you increased the gearing? or is this a belt drive also? Keep it going!!!!!!!
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