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Everything posted by ianmaccormac

  1. I just did as you were posting. I could see everything fine. Cheers
  2. Hi Chris, I will echo Eric's thoughts! Cheers, Ian
  3. I have been doing some accessorising of the new Hornby 4 wheelers. See https://ianmaccormacmodels.blogspot.com/ Cheers, Ian
  4. Hi John, The Elegoo ABS like resin has a hardness of 84D and the Esun a hardness of 75-81, according to pages on Amazon. So I am a bit confused. Isn't the Elegoo resin you have already printed with better than the Esun one?? Is there something else about the Esun resin that makes it better for this purpose? Cheers Ian
  5. Those OO gauge splashers in the cab look very unobtrusive, nice! Is there a way to taper the thickness of the roof at the rear so it looks thinner? Keep on going although the animation was pushing it to extremes! Cheers Ian
  6. Please send me an email and I will send you the white. It was found necessary to put a white base in first to make the colour show. Any previous purchaser, if you hven't already had them sent, which I did where I still had details, please send me an email with postal address and type of transfer and I will send you a set. Cheers Ian
  7. Brighton carriage transfers, either Stroudley or Billinton/Marsh style available in 4mm or 7mm scale. Two layer, white base then colour on top. £10 for 7mm, £8 for 4mm, both include postage. Cheers, Ian
  8. I am corrected! Apparently it was a NBR device that was measured, not a GNR. So I printed almost 7mm scale then. It was just an experiment for Bill to see what the printer was capable of registration wise and that seemed fine! Cheers Nile.
  9. 7mm etched brass 6 wheel adjustable wheelbase etches available. I also supply them to Poppyswoodtech for his wooden 6 wheelers. I am a LBSCR modeller so willing to barter? I only have one etch left here but can get more sorted. Cheers Ian
  10. I just tried out the printing of GNR monogram that Bill Bedford sent me and applied it to a piece of green plastic on my workbench. The height of this is 4mm but apparently the Hornby one is 8mm high so this is a 2mm scale transfer. The GER will be the same two layer printing with the white under on a base layer and the colour on a top layer. Difficult to photograph!!Cheers Ian
  11. There are a number of spring and axleboxes for LBSCR wagons and carriages that I have drawn and 3D printed. Some have been shown on Poppywoodtech's website, some on my blog IanMacCormacModels back in 2019 and I have drawn many more since. All available at reasonable prices.
  12. Bill, this is the photo as it was advertised to start with and shows the proper placement of the parts. Hope that helps, Cheers, Ian
  13. Hi Giles Can you put a link to the electroplating kit or a photo? Looks interesting! Cheers Ian
  14. https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/about/outreach/resources/fusion_tutorials/ is excellent and designed for Yr10 at school so about right. Cheers Ian
  15. is one of the more sensible and understandable Youtubers. I find some of his recommendations help. Cheers Ian
  16. This early LBSCR loco stuff looks tasty! Too!!!!
  17. And this is the Brighton loco which became Hove, which seems to be he loco behind it in that second photo.. A Kitson purchase. The photo taken at the same place. Some exhibition by the look of it in the UK.
  18. Side view of the Brighton one as built. It is the same as that second photo in the wonderfully arched-roof station. I was thinking of drawing the kit for the Craven version as well so may get on with it. It looks like the safety valve/dome shape was all that was changed. Cheers Ian
  19. Brilliant show! Many thanks, I am hoping you are less 'dog tired' today! Enjoy a pint or two! Cheers Ian
  20. That looks brill! Super. Can't wait to see them on sale or will you send 'stl files if we have own printer? Cheers Ian
  21. Have you emailed Bill at mousa models and asked?
  22. And we all had a brilliant virtual day out! Thanks
  23. No issues. A wonderful rendition! It looks like my cab is falling back but it is just the phone camera lens! There are no issues with it, it is a stunner!
  24. Well it has arrived and it was worth the wait! I have a Hornby Leadenhall and this is far more refined in its details, shape of the dome and safety valves; front cylinder lubricators and a whole lot more. Thank you! Cheers, Ian
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