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Everything posted by ianmaccormac

  1. I will be back home by next weekend and will get the transfers printed. Any luck with the other bits? Cheers, Ian, currently in Donegal
  2. There are also carriage w-irons in the EB Models range. See EB Models w-irons and the carriage ones are available, as is the carriage transfers when I return. Cheers Ian
  3. If you can measure a diameter, you can use that to draw a cylinder of the correct dimension in the 3D cad.
  4. Glad you could use the wheel prints as casting masters. It all looks brilliant, as ever. Looking forward to eventually seeing some of this sometime in the future. Cheers, Ian
  5. A great read, very helpful and interesting, as ever! Many thanks Eric for all the hard work and to all the authors! Cheers, Ian
  6. Hi Eric, I have started one for 7mm so will shoot these down to 4mm if you want them. Back left to front right is chimney; dome with s/v; plain dome; backhead; safety valve cover with two levers; backhead mounted salter springs; Craven loco to guard communicator gong; front springs; driving wheel springs; clack valves; whistle; tender springs. Anything else I can sort if you wish. Cheers, Ian
  7. Hi Eric I have made a small start on one of these. If you want a set of resin 3d printed parts, just shout and I will move them up the to do list. Cheers, Ian
  8. Excellent! Glad to be able to assist. Now I should get on and do some more of my own interests!! Cheers, Ian
  9. Sorry, wrong name for the operation was given. It is split body, not face. 1. draw the tumblehome part. I drew the end elevation on the right plane and extruded it to make the shape shown. 2. draw the panelling shape as a closed sketch -I drew this rectangle on the front face in this case. I needn't have drawn the outer rectangle. 3. Use the modify - split body command and pick the tumblehome part as the body to be split and then the panel shape as the splitting tool. 4. Use the press/pull command to push in the panel or pull out the panel depending on how you drew it. The tool - right under the word sheet - selects the correct method automatically. It selected 'offset faces' in this case. Hope that helps, Cheers, Ian Mac
  10. Another way would be to save the beading intersect file as a separate file and then import it into the earlier drawing using the insert derive command and picking the beading.
  11. project shape onto the end of the carriage with split face then push/pull the depth of beading required. Cheers, Ian
  12. Having had the pleasure of your company a couple of years back at a show, was it the Scale7 stand? I would want to wish you the very best over the next few days. Do celebrate another Christmas when you are out of isolation. There has been so many changes of the calendar, who is bothered by a few days here or there. I am with my wife, the parish priest and his Italian friend (who cannot get home and back) for Christmas day and then sons and daughters over for Boxing day. I am cooking all the time so won't have much time to model or draw 3D things for printing but am hoping to get a LBSCR D class completed in the next couple of months along with the type 15 carriages from Craven era. Take care, hope all goes well and that the marvellous modelling you inspire us with on here gets going again. Cheers, Ian in Blackpool
  13. one email had the expiry date and security numbers as well as the first 8 numbers. The second email had the other 8. I wrote them in groups of 4 and not in the correct order but put what sequence they should be, ie 1st group of 4, third group of 4 etc. No issues. Cheers Ian
  14. I sent two emails a couple of weeks ago, one with the order and half the payment details, and the second with the rest of it. I received my goods four days later. No issues at all. Excellent service. Thanks.
  15. Squires have one on ebay at the moment, oh no, sorry, it is just the tender! I didn't know you could get them separately!!
  16. So the post 1919 type have now been printed and look looking good too! These are now available as above. Cheers, Ian
  17. Hi Brad, I haven't even printed them yet! Bucoops is looking into it and making sure I haven't missed anything. The above is just a guide, if I need to add anything, the layout will be moved around a bit to sort it. Cheers, Ian
  18. The post 1919 carriage transfer sheet, very low res. Same price, different shape so I don't get them mixed up! £15 by cheque or bank transfer, £16 by Paypal. Contact me for info at ianmaccormac@hotmail.com Cheers, Ian
  19. Just completed the post 1919 Crimson serif style lettering. I'll put a sheet together for that too. Cheers, Ian
  20. My understanding is that the pre 1902 uses the small 1st, 2nd, 3rd, the crest, the GER, the Guard and Luggage words and the numbers, i.e. the top three quarters of the sheet. The 1902 to 1919 uses the large 1,2,and 3, the crest, the GE, the Guard and Luggage words and the numbers. Again, about three quarters of the sheet. I have been asked to do the post 1919 parts as well, on another sheet, so I will be putting the largish 1 and 3 - does there need to be a 2??, the crests, the GE and the numbers as well as the Guard and Luggage words. Does that sound correct anyone please? Cheers, Ian
  21. Well I've printed some A6 sheets of that design and am very happy with them. £15 a sheet including postage. Contact me at ianmaccormac@hotmail.com to send me postal details and receive payment instructions for bank transfer, cheque or, for £16 a sheet, Paypal. Cheers Ian
  22. This low res to give you an idea on what I am thinking of for the A6 sheet. Is the mix of bits okay? Cheers, Ian
  23. Well James seems to have a long to do list so I thought I had better post direct to get approval to print some of these so that some of you who are nearing completion, can! I have redrawn quite a bit since getting the Vol 2 of the The Liveries of the Pre-Grouping Railways that covered the GER. There are now three sections, as per the book, and if you can comment on whether this is correct, I'll get printing. I'll put them on my blog https://ianmaccormacmodels.blogspot.com/ once I have them ready. I will put enough on a sheet for 20 x 3rd, 10 x 2nd and 8 x 1st compartments. I believe the later, crimson type, are not appropriate so I will just get the other two ready in those sorts of numbers. I believe lots of 6 numerals for the carriage numbers?? Let me know. Cheers, Ian
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