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Everything posted by ianmaccormac

  1. Well I had a brilliant few hours there today. Many thanks to the organisers. Collected a toll bridge ticket on theRixton to Warburton ship canal bridge, almost unique now! Met up with many good friends and have arranged a lift to Aylesbury later in the month to boot! Money spent etc. Had to drive in the end as the train situation was so poor at my end that I would not have arrived before about 1300 and I have a son's birthday meal tonight so needed to get back pronto too. Great show, great layouts, and especially liked the open feel of the 7mm one, don't get that too often, friendly traders; looking forward to a more accessible place next year, or at least the Northern Train situation to have been resolved. Thanks once again for all the travel suggestions. Cheers Ian
  2. Thanks for the 255 bus info. That looks easier! Cheers Ian
  3. Hi Richard I can get to both sites on an ipad I haven't used for about 4 months. http://ianmaccormacmodels.blogspot.com/ and http://www.mjwsjw.co.uk/index.html both work without issue. If there is something to do with the LB&SCR from about 1855 to grouping or a few LCDR and SECR bits then that is where I am working. Cheers Ian
  4. The bus timetable seems to only cater for people who are travelling from manchester. Those using the WCML, on a train TO manchester have to wait for about 35 minutes each end? With the strike, I can only travel from Warrington Central having to walk from Warrington Bank Quay. Is there any other way to get there from Urmston? Thanks Ian in Blackpool
  5. Hi Richard I I can see both without issues. What is it you would like, message me on here if you like or ianmaccormac@hotmail.com Cheers Ian
  6. The details for this engine from the 20th March 1925 copy of The Engineer, as per Grace's Guide: Neilson's engines of this type -Fig.81- though built in 1862 for the Dublin and Drogheda Railway, may be mentioned here. It was unique in having both side and saddle tanks, and was one of the earliest to have the footplate completely roofed in. The cylinders were 12in. by 18in. and the driving wheels 5ft. 6 in. diameter. Not a lot of info really but by gimping the photo to get it side on with the wheel diameter known you should be able to work out quite a bit. Or a Google search for the loco may bring up more info? Hope that helps Cheers Ian
  7. Ridiculously difficult to photograph this! Hopefully this is showing the thin gold lines that can hardly be seen on the previous photo. Top is the Westinghouse.
  8. Well they all arrived. Brilliant. Now who wants some? 4mm LB&SCR Umber £20 including postage. Enough for several locos. 3 different sizes of numbers, and LB&SCR or LBSC. 4 raspberrys or logos for the H1,H2 or Gladstone or B4 splashers. A1 splashers, D tank splashers, lots of E3,4,5,6 parts. Black, gold, black for the Westinghouse pump, gold and black for valancing - specific shapes for K, J, H etc. Lots of straight lining with corners and lots of other bits including tender valancing.
  9. Hi Craig I didn't realise the websites accepted comments so haven't been checking, sorry. Nothing has come to my hotmail account from you. But you have me now! The various bits are due for delivery from Australia today according to the tracking. I shall be able to sort out costs once the import charge is known. I will post here as well as on the website. The website is David's area and he is getting the next Brighton Circle magazine produced this week so it will be next week for a website update at the earliest. Hopefully I will post on here later today details of 4mm loco, 2mm carriage, 2mm wagon, 2mm SECR carriage and anything else that has arrived. The 4mm home produced LBSCR and SECR carriage transfers are available now. Thanks for your enquiry. Cheers Ian
  10. The artwork is completely scaleable. I was asked by A professional loco painter at the Gauge 0 Guild exhibition last weekend to scale some of the LBSCR parts to 10mm, gauge 1. Not a problem. I have already etched some carriage parts for gauge 3 from 4mm and 7mm originals as per ianmaccormacmodels.com. If people want anything non-white in any other scale, I can do this. Cheers Ian
  11. Rob Pulham showed me some white lettering at the Gauge 0 Guild show in Telford. He used his Silhouette CNC cutter to cut white decal paper to the shapes required. It looked very effective on the box van on display. Cheers Ian in Blackpool
  12. Hi I have ben asked for 4mm SECR transfers for Carriages. I have enlarged the 2mm ones as attached. Home printed on inkjet and then sprayed with varnish, as the 4mm ones for LB&SCR. £11 a set incl postage to UK. Overseas extra cost for postage, about another £1, I'll check. Just off to Telford O Gauge show for the weekend so will try and answer from phone any queries. Low resolution jpeg attached.Cheques to Ian MacCormac.
  13. Hi Thanks for those thoughts. I shall look out for parts. I have almost completed the bogies, just making axlebox parts for casting in the next week. I have redrawn various parts to get them to assemble more easily and corrected a couple of stupid mistakes with the dimensions - floor was 2mm too long!! I am aiming to have etches and castings available for the Brighton Circle AGM but usually miss my deadlines so the Windmill Meeting at Blatchington more likely. Lots of transfers drawing is eating into available time. Cheers Ian
  14. Can I just say for those that may want transfers, if sending a cheque, please make out to Ian MacCormac and not E.B.Models. Thanks. Ian
  15. Coming along very well. The use of the 3D drawings with pecked lines for placement etc is very clear. They take ages don't they? Cheers Ian
  16. Well I have retitled this topic to put all the bits under one heading. The home made 4mm Carriage transfers are available now and the following is to show poor resolution pics of the 4mm Umber Loco, the 2mm LB&SCR Wagon, Carriage and SE&CR Carriage transfers that are being printed by Wessex Transfers in Tasmania and should be with me in a few weeks time. When looking at the low resolution pictures, anything showing in Yellow will appear as White on the finished, professionally printed transfers. All are waterslide type, I don't think these are to scale as they are just low res jpegs. Hope this is of use. Cheers Ian
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