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Everything posted by ianmaccormac

  1. I'm just hoping that one of the parts spotted that needed changing from the sample artwork shown, is the shape and size of the lubricators on the front of the smokebox. The CAD images just look wrong when compared to photos or drawings. Not long really before we see for real I suppose! Cheers from Ian in sunny Blackpool (I wish!)
  2. Hi Linny I have al the numberplates. The name lettering has stalled a bit with winter as my mojo is shot after the burglary and I haven't really got going again yet; plus the tinnitus has been really noisy since just after Christmas so I really do need a good kick up the rear!! I shall be resuming other activities in the next couple of days and expect things to get back on track so to speak shortly! Cheers Ian
  3. Many thanks Andy for such a well set out and presented explanation of the New Hornby releases. I would imagine all this has taken a fair bit of time when many of us have been celebrating! Many thanks and I hope you have had some time for celebrations and trust your 2019 will be brill! Cheers Ian in Blackpool
  4. I would just like to say thank you for all the posts this year, Jazz. Very illuminating and a good incentive to do my own modelling! Cheers Ian in Blackpool
  5. And another vote of thanks from Blackpool! Certainly brightened up the day a bit being able to get on the site again. I had no ill effects here as I only logged on after the attack was well documented and didn't try again until later this morning. Thanks again Cheers Ian
  6. If you say what you are wanting, it is possible I have etches here. Merry Christmas, Ian in Blackpool
  7. Red lead paint is very easy to mix from linseed oil and "red lead". I used it on board merchant ships to combat corrosion up until the end of the 1980's and storekeepers on board remembered it from the 1920's. The lead-based pigments (lead tetroxide/calcium plumbate, or "red lead") were widely used as an anti-corrosive primer coating over exterior steelwork. This type of paint might have been applied to garden gates and railings, guttering and downpipes and other external iron and steel work. Similar red lead-based compounds were also widely used as a jointing compound in engineering, to form steam- or oil-tight flanged joints in pipework. In red from Wikipedia. The model of D2 Como in Brighton library, painted very early in the last century in Stroudley livery, by those who had access to Brighton Works, has the red lead tender top. The Marsh loco livery in Southern Style Vol 2 LB&SCR has it as this colour also. From my experience, it is a very durable paint with very good abrasion resistance but it was also very easy to slap on another quick layer in-between cargo operations on board ship as it was very tolerant of poor surface preparation also. Bearing in mind it would also help to seal any very minor leakage, to my mind, it was the perfect type of paint for this situation. Hope that is of interest. Cheers Ian in Blackpool
  8. Well I read the above post about Derails getting theirs, looked on their website and found they still were able to be ordered, ordered it and it arrived this morning. Fantastic service with a nice note of thanks and it has been tested with a card to say who by. I've not used them before but will be doing so in the future. Excellent service, well done to all at Derails! Cheers Ian in Blackpool
  9. Just watching Channel 5 WW1 In colour and episode 1 at 11min 15secc has moving film in colour of H1 leaving Portsmouth dosckyard with French President on board and then arrival at Victoria has a few shots of the carriages. I don’t think colour movies existed from that date so suppose this must be 'colourised’ but even so, a bit unusual and wonderfully atmospheric. Cheers Ian link is here https://www.my5.tv/world-war-1-in-colour/season-1--2/world-war-1-in-colour
  10. Hi Linny Well thats me all refreshed after a good nights kip in my own bed! Hope you feel okay after your long journey as well? The photo is really good, many thanks - I think someone showed it to me on a phone from twitter. I can confirm the bit you are talking about is the gold black gold srtip which is meant for the westinghouse pump lining. I will be out this morning but will try and get some labels on the sheet explaining what is what later today. Glad you are finding them nice to work with, all the messing about with Tasmanian printing seems justified now! Cheers Ian
  11. Hi Linny Great to put a name to a face at Uckfield show on Sunday. You didn't show me the SECR carriage for long enough, it looked good! I have seen somewhere your post of Gary's I3 using the Umber transfers and your description! Many thanks for that. It s good to see them in use. Can I have a copy of the photo please? Hope you are either having a great time still down south or have got off the 'bus'. That must have been an epic journey - bad enough on trains to Blackpool! Anyway, cheers, I am off for an early night as I am shattered! Thanks again Ian
  12. Hi Gary Nice to see you and manage to have a brief chat on Sunday at the Show. Brilliant or what? Have just seen a photo that Linny posted of the I3 with the transfers being used. I am really pleased to see someone else making them work. Looking a cracker. I haven't really explained what all the different bits on the sheet are for so I will try and get something together and post in a few days. I would really like a copy of the photo or is it Linnys? Anyway, I am back home in Blackpool and about to get an early night for a change - train travel is tiring but not as tiring as Linny's 'bus'!! Cheers Ian
  13. https://traders.scalefour.org/LondonRoadModels/various/components/ Alignment jigs? If that is what a 'jury' axle is. Cheers Ian
  14. High level kits have a planning aid and excellent goods and service. Sell motors and gearboxes. No use for your motors though! Cheers Ian
  15. I too can see the lovely photos also! Nice going. Cheers Ian in Blackpool
  16. I am not seeing the pictures using either Edge or Chrome on a Win10 laptop. Cheers Ian in Blackpool
  17. I can't quite make them out but is it the bolection mouldings and panel lines that make up one layer and the basic carriage side another then the droplights a third? I have seen bolection moulding supplied separately which seems to simplify the number of overall layers. Is this the cause of the amount of layers? Wonderful work as usual by the way Ken, I have been amazed at how many kits you have assembled over the years I have been watching. Many thanks for the continued inspiration and show you how bits, really illuminating. Cheers Ian in Blackpool
  18. I don't quite understand why my previous answer hasn't appeared but it said no date, just a note to the effect that they were the Large Sharp No 35, 36, etc. It is from the LBSCR boxes at the NRM. Cheers Ian
  19. This from NRM. Is this the sort of thing you are wanting? Cheers Ian
  20. You could always cut a G1 Terrier out of card and do what Bob Fridd used to do. You could probably 3D print all the fittings you needed apart from maybe the buffers? That would keep you busy! Cheers Ian
  21. Likewise, got that at the first attempt, came back here and clicked the link again and I'm in. A bit strange, and I haven't seen it happen before. Cheers Ian in Blackpool
  22. Well I have almost managed to go paper free. I scanned or photographed with a 10+Mpixel digital camera all the magazines I had - back to 1969 and 'print' to pdf all the ones I now subscribe to. I then routinely scan those that cannot be bought digitally - MRJ and NG&IRMR to keep current. Model Railways is the pain though as no means of printing so screen capture from Ipad to my icloud and then sign in on laptop and copy across to make a pdf of them. More involved than RM or BRM which are just straight print to pdf. I was fortunate in that I was on sick leave from work for a year while I did them! I then combined all the jpegs into a pdf file for each magazine. I then bought an HP Cloud server for the home and can look at any of them from anywhere I can get a phone signal for the phone or wifi for the laptop or Ipad. I also got a 2K monitor that makes reading them a lot easier (ASUS VX24A 2560 x 1440). I also burnt a few copies on DVD so I shall never lose them in case of problems. I then filled the empty shelves with other things - half built kits, books etc Cheers Ian
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