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Everything posted by CoombeTown

  1. Hi all, This is my first full attempt at scratchbuilding for my model railway it's a farmhouse constructed from mainly 40thou plasticard covered with SE Finecast brickwork, windows are microstrip but I have no idea what sizes as they were scraps. and one of construction apologies about the last picture but it was taken on an iPad and I'm unsure of how to turn it round without editing the original. DRoe96
  2. Hi iL Dottore, You are correct it is 4mm scale. The track base is plywood with 1/8in cork on to which the track is laid. The columns hill side is cardboard supported with balsa strips. The viaduct columns are cardboard turned into boxes then covered with Slater's embossed plasticard and the arch insides are a single sheet of plasticard cut to the right length then curled up and glued into place. Timewise, taken 3 or 4 months on and off although the lefthand half was built in breaks from revision this week so 10 hours for that half I'd say. Hope that answers all your queries, DRoe96
  3. Hi guys, I know this is more a structure than a building but I thought I'd give you guys an impression of what a teenager is capable when they're not on the computer! Let me know what you think, DRoe96
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