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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. The TNA basic search engine (the inappropriately named ‘Discovery ‘) is dreadful. Go straight to advanced searches. Use RAIL as the series and search for GWR through carriages or coaches (can’t remember which worked). D
  2. I’m away at the moment. I’ll check when I get home. D
  3. Chris, Are you aware of Richard Spratt’s excellent website ‘Penrhos Junction’ which details all of his research into GWR 4 & 6 wheel coaches as it shows that the Ratio 4 wheeler GWR all third body is identical to that used on a 6w all third. Regards Duncan
  4. Of course through coaches we’re different from excursion working which, according to the GWR flyers I saw at Kew, all seemed to be 3rd class only. So even more options depending on the type of service you want! D
  5. [quote name="ChrisN" post="3410803" timestamp="1545780616" You say the train formations for the North and West...… Where do you find that information. I did start another thread and the answer was a book but I think the formations in it are probably late 1930s. I went to the national archives at Kew and looked at the GWR documents on the working of through carriages for several years in the period 1900-1914 to get info on how the North and west route between Hereford and Shrewsbury operated for a club layout, but the layout leader clearly didn’t like the answers. I keep meaning to tart up my notes for the GWSG but never get round to it.., D
  6. Hi Chris, Looking at the train formations on the North & west route I think you’ll need brake composites/tri-composites for through coach traffic rather than the ordinary variety. Unfortunately they all come with an E diag no... The brake tri comp drawing Jonathan posted looks just the thing though. If you do a drawing for cutting/ build the coach I’d be very interested in how you do it. Regards and merry Xmas. Duncan
  7. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all. Duncan
  8. drduncan

    The big freeze!

    Dave, Merry Xmas! Duncan
  9. Given your location I’d make a start with Old Oak Common (London) and Oxley Sidings (Wolverhampton). You should also consider Worcester. DrDuncan
  10. More work on the diamond crossing this evening. I also started the laborious job of adding cosmetic chairs to the diamond crossing. While glue was drying I also added another of the check rails to the points. Progress might be slow but at least there is something to report! DrDuncan
  11. Dave, Lovely work and excellent dry brushing. Duncan
  12. More progress yesterday on fitting check rails. However, one of the existing ones had to be replaced as it wasn’t checking all the required crossings. I’ve also now got lots of cosmetic chairs to add, a job almost as dull as threading them on to rail. Originally I had left out alternating chairs where the check rail was to go as I was dubious about a trimmed chair having a large enough footprint to allow the glue to get a good purchase, but it turns out the trimmed chairs are fine. Duncan
  13. Managed to get some time on the layout... Worked on the folding legs. But also started adding check rails. Duncan
  14. All that’s needed now is for exactoscale to announce a check rail chair to em clearances and Christmas will have officially arrived early....
  15. Mind you at the Isle of Wight steam railway today he was excited about black engines ( the 2mt 2-6-2t) not green ones (the Austerity ‘Royal Engineer’)...
  16. He seems to appreciate god’s wonderful railway above all others - can’t think why. The bed time story (at his request while no1 daughter was banished to the landing for anti social behaviour) was about Duck meeting the City of Truro (loco not place in case you were wondering). D
  17. Gareth’s progress with the working inside motion for the BG 1076 Buffalo is making me feel very guilty about the lack of progress with track and the layout. Even no 1 son is demanding I start building steam engines (unspecified type) rather than finish the track work or BG wagons that are on the workbench... Duncan
  18. Looking at the far side alignment I think it might be optical distortion. D
  19. Gareth, sorry to read of the difficulties you’ve been having on my behalf. Footplate number 4 looks very tidy and I’m sure it will be an excellent base for the body. Keep up the wonderful work! I bet the Sage of Fareham will be very impressed when I show him your photos. Duncan
  20. On Dean Goods chassis the High Level Kits one is fantastic and includes a bespoke gearbox as well as dummy motion. I think the high level designs are the best on the market, easy to build and excellent value for money. DrDuncan
  21. I don’t think so, it came from my box of useful things and I think is a branch lines 40:1 one. I too want to see how he does the inside working motion. Especially when I was explaining why I wasn’t (lack of time and it’s too difficult to get the bits of axle in a line) Gareth very kindly asked if i had read the instructions as then I would have realised you cut the axle after setting up all the cranks etc making the whole thing easy (apparently). Well clearly as a finescale modeller reading the instructions is only something I do when I can’t think of s better way to build something! Doh! Anyway I note he’s doing the experiment with my loco not his!!!! DrDuncan
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