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Status Updates posted by Trebor

  1. ! note to self! do not let doctors inject you achilles tendons ever again.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trebor


      Think it might of had cet

      rtain benefits if they had of ck, like free grub by way of compensation...


    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      LOL! Hope you're on the mend anyway?

    4. Trebor


      Another upside, the office have just given me the next two days off work, with full pay too! Result !!


  2. is dreading the hospital visit tommorrow, injections into both heels is not funny

    1. Mallard60022
    2. Trebor


      I mean 7.30am in the morning, really! On the upside I have the rest of the day off, tablet will be charged for a day of rmwebbing....

  3. is tidying his office / indoor workshop, not progressing well though....

    1. Horsetan


      Have the mice been visiting?

    2. Trebor


      Just the one, traced it coming from nextdoor, through the void space between ground floor ceiling and upstairs floor, filled in the holes with squirty expanding foam then filled the hole in the plasterwork. That, ll should stop the little fuger....


  4. Mousehunt !!!! a good blast of expanding foam should deal with that.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      There'll be another hole appearing elsewhere in the house....

    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      You need a ballbearing mouse hunter.

    4. Horsetan


      Trebor can't throw ball bearings fast enough these days. LOL

  5. had great fun watch the jets leaving Lakenheath on his way home from work this evening. Entertaining indeed....

    1. Jon020


      The Eagle has... oh, taken off!


  6. is wondering, BR Rail Blue, with an airbrush, who's is the best I wonder !!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trebor


      hearing good things about lifecolour, best I try some them, Thank you gents.


    3. Horsetan


      Do they do "porno blue"? ;-)

    4. Trebor


      Lets hope not !

  7. cannot decided where to go on holiday this year, Egypt, Canaries again or Greece... ARRrghh to much choice !!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lyndonsdad1


      Why should I want to know this ?

    3. Kev_Lewis


      I wonder how many countries Boris has been asked not to return to?

    4. Jim49


      One of them is England. That's how Boris got his OBE - Ordered OUT of the British Empire.

  8. 4ft 81/2in layout ideas

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      Why not 5ft 3in?

    3. 69843
    4. Trebor


      SHMD, Not my preffered flavour.


      Horsetan, you suppling the stock then ?


      69843, Nah ! way to big...

  9. is glad to be home, the Outer Hebrides were wet and cold, time for a warm up.....

    1. Mallard60022


      have you been birding?

    2. Horsetan


      If I know "trebor", he'll have been royally crapped on by being given an installation job in the back of beyond :-D

    3. Trebor


      Swapped out a failed hotswap hard disk, site could have done it themselves...


  10. has this morning replaced three fence panels !

    1. billbedford
    2. Horsetan


      Did you snap any more drill bits?

    3. Trebor


      real tree wood Bill, who'd have thought it. No drill bits snapped today !

  11. wonders if any container ships are going to disgorge the cargo on the the beaches of the south west !

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      It's a bit much just for the sake of a couple of drill bits...

    3. devonseasider


      There's still stuff from the Napoli coming in when we get a good blow.

    4. Jim49


      As long as it's not the Bachmann/Hornby Xmas stocks.

  12. snapped yet another drill, just as well i've ordered more....

    1. Horsetan


      Welcome to my world.

    2. Trebor


      Chronos is my friend, at 72pence a drill bit, who cares if they break !

      except of course when you dont have replacements, Grrrrrr

  13. now! where did I put those 0.4mm rivets....found the 0.4 drill bits though

    1. Horsetan


      Don't be snapping them now.

    2. Trebor


      no fear of that, considering I could not find my pinvice to put them in, Grrrrrrr.....


  14. 's ears are filled with the sounds of Spanish guitar, Ahhh Bliss.....

    1. Horsetan


      Not Tenerife again?

    2. Trebor


      nope at home Cans on....

    3. Horsetan


      The only other thing I could think of was that Dan was having a jam session.... LOL

  15. i am bored and its raining in milton keynes

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. trisonic


      My forecast: Partly Cloudy, 27C, low humidity.


    3. eastwestdivide


      Consider it a challenge to your creativity

    4. Horsetan


      There's not much creativity in the rain anyway.

  16. raining in milton keynes, groan !!!

  17. ######, fridge has packed up, freezers OK though, Hmmm, I wonder if its iced up.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trebor


      the freezer is working fine, and it all runs from the same fan/compressor combo, fridge is a balmy 28deg, whilst the frezzer is at -20, as far as I can see it appears to be an issue with the cooled air pathing, cannot feel any obstructions very odd.... still everything that was in the fridge is now in the bin, milk in the sink full of cold water and ice.

    3. Southernman46


      RIP fridge :-(

    4. Trebor


      I think not, 800 beer tokens were wisely spent, it insured for repairs until 2016, only problem is getting hold of the sods.....


  18. hurra back to work for a rest

    1. RedgateModels


      Ain't that the truth ....

  19. Hornby 08 that never had sound, now makes sounds, hurra....

    1. Horsetan


      Can you programme sounds of flatulence into DCC engines?

  20. start work at 8am, finish work 9.30am, what a hard day, time to relax.....

  21. thinks that Horses meat found to be in Tesco Burgers is quite unpleasent

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Metr0Land


      Tescos PR people are trying to limit the damage on the hoof.

    3. redspecial


      I think I may have found Shergar!!! (licks lips)

    4. Russ (mines a pint)

      Russ (mines a pint)

      poor old Tesco, they'll be saddled with this for years!

  22. agony of choice, Go pressie shopping for the fammo sunday, or stay at home a sleep, oh the choices i have to make......

  23. Right Own up, who thought it would be funny to attempt to try and infect my PC with a trojan, a weeks worth of detentions for all of you until the cluprit owns up...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 69843


      A silly culprit?

    3. Baby Deltic

      Baby Deltic

      Have you been visiting sites of 'ill repute'?

    4. Trebor


      One was at work.... whilst this went on

  24. Dr's receptionists utter incompetence. I think a claim for damages will be following. very very angry

    1. Horsetan


      Why am I not surprised?

    2. Mallard60022


      This person not fit for purpose?

  25. really detests having to recover data of 1terabyte hard disks....

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