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Everything posted by rab

  1. Well it's a woman driving a Range Rover - what do you expect
  2. Just found this thread and have spent an interesting 20 main reading through it. Brought back many childhood memories for me. Think I may have shared before on another thread (apologies if so for repetition) I grew up in Wadebridge in a house overlooking the Padstow line. One of my memories was seeing the West country from the down ACE, after returning to Wadebridge from Padstow, being used on the last train of the day, a single coach train. The loco was longer than the coach!!! You mention Padstow being renamed Padstien. Another variation I have heard is Richenstien. Quite appropriate as I read in a local paper there recently that Padstow is now one of the most expensive places to live in the UK. Better stop there before I get on my soapbox about incomers. A very interesting thread about a very promising layout. Keep up the good work.
  3. Sign above a loo roll: The job's not finished till the paperwork's done.
  4. Just got back after a great day at Taunton. Great to meet up with one or two I already knew and to make a few new friends. Thanks to all who made it such a success. Tim for arranging the day. Andy for acting as joint auctioneer with some great items and not forgetting the kitchen crew for feeding and watering us all. Looking forward to the next meet up; do we really have to wait a whole year!
  5. After testing my diplomacy almost to it's limit, SWMBO has granted a pass out for tomorrow so barring last minute problems I will be there!
  6. A bit of a departure from the norm for you Allan,at least from the masterpieces I've seen since I've been following this thread. Strikes me there is a sort of likeness between those bridge sides and windmill sails! Edit to remove duplication.
  7. Perhaps you could DCC chip it and program it with "Did ya like tha"!
  8. Isn't it funny how you build up a mental picture of someone then when you meet them or see a picture of them they're nothing like you imagined them to be.
  9. Heard a story once about a young couple house hunting who went to see a little cottage in the country.The elderly lady who lived there showed them around. The young man fell in love with the place but the young lady wasn't so keen. When questioned as to what was wrong she said, "Well you showed us all over the place but I haven't seen a loo"! The lady takes them to the bottom of the garden and shows them the loo. "Well" says the young lady "I suppose it would for a while until we can get something better sorted. There's just one problem; there's no lock on the door". " My dear" says the old lady "I've lived here for 35 years and no one's ever stolen the bucket"!
  10. Just noticed this thread has reached 200 pages. Doesn't seem long it got to 100; the best and most interesting 200 pages I've read in a long time.
  11. As others have already said it's difficult to pick one. Mine used to be the 1812 overture but I think now it would be the Hallelujah Chorus.
  12. Did you know it is considered bad luck for either of the 'osses to appear in public other than on May 1st and for the May song to be sung other than on that day. Padstow people are very superstitious about this. When I was at school in Wadebridge we put on a show one year. The guys from Padstow wanted to sing the May song and bring the blue (young) OSS. The older folk in Padstow were dead against it. The youngsters managed to talk them around eventually. Also there used to be (still are I think) brass band concerts in the town on summer Sunday's One year one of the bands played the maysong causing ructions with the locals.
  13. The caption on the flicker page does say they were running round the stock which is probably just out of shot.
  14. The big red spidery thing is back!!! Well not exactly at Dawlish. Saw it yesterday a few miles inland on the A38 just west of Buckfastleigh where the road over bridge is being rebuilt. Where will it turn up next???
  15. Had no idea we were dealing with such an important gentleman - customer services manager no less.Will have to watch my P's and Q's from now on!
  16. I agree. The other thing that struck me is the perspective seemed reversed. The back end seems larger than the front. Must be because the front end is in shadow!
  17. As a matter of interest what does the protocol state and how does it differentiate between what can run and can't run?
  18. The version I remember was the constipated mathematician who worked it out with a slide rule. But then I don't suppose many people would know what a slide rule is/was!
  19. Great to have you back on this thread Iain. The boss was starting to get bored without you around. He's been churning stuff out just to pass the time away waiting for you to reappear.
  20. Just make sure you get the jam and cream on in the right order!!!
  21. Re Jim's comment about the lack of hi-vis vest, if it was a ginger cat, would it be exempt!
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