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Everything posted by rab

  1. Wait for the sun to thaw it out. Hat, coat, running as fast as I can!
  2. Is it the demise of model railway shops which has kept the s\h market lively, or the rise in second hand trading through the likes of eBay which has led to, or at least hastened the demise of model railway shops.
  3. From my experience of that forum, your description applies to most (but not all) contributors.
  4. Answering my own post,now know why nothing shown on RTT. Went to SDR this afternoon, 60009 still in the workshop minus middle wheelset. When I asked one of the staff when she's leaving, the reply I got was, "Don't know when she's going home, don't know how she's going home". (Mods, sorry if this is going off topic, feel free to split off into separate topic if required).
  5. I know this is a bit off topic but following Don's earlier post about UofSA leaving on Friday can anyone confirm this is happening and if so are any timings known; can't see anything on RTT.
  6. I know the Dawlish washout has been discussed in many non-railway circles but imagine my surprise when it got mentioned in the talk at church this morning! Even a piccy on the screen. Of course the guy got a few facts wrong, but I didn't like to challenge him after.
  7. For an in depth discussion on the pros and cons of trailing diesels refer to Nat Pres forum!
  8. Looks like I was a bit too soon with the suggestion for Dons retirement.You're needed a bit further along the coast Don. Hope the buggy batteries will get you there and back!
  9. Was going to suggest we should have a whip round for a retirement gift for him, now his job is finished!
  10. Oh dear. Why do I get the feeling I should not have said anything!
  11. As I said I am not 100% sure of this. My info was 2nd/3rd hand so may be subject to the 'Chinese Whispers' effect
  12. Just to clarify, assuming my info is correct,it's not B&W as such, but a group of volunteers connected with the railway but working independently. Whatever, it's great they've taken on the responsibility of maintaining the turntable.
  13. Likewise although the Bodmin and Wenford is mainline linked the number of moves involved to get from the mainline to their running line makes accommodation of mainline specials nigh on impossible.
  14. Well it's a woman driving a Range Rover - what do you expect
  15. Just found this thread and have spent an interesting 20 main reading through it. Brought back many childhood memories for me. Think I may have shared before on another thread (apologies if so for repetition) I grew up in Wadebridge in a house overlooking the Padstow line. One of my memories was seeing the West country from the down ACE, after returning to Wadebridge from Padstow, being used on the last train of the day, a single coach train. The loco was longer than the coach!!! You mention Padstow being renamed Padstien. Another variation I have heard is Richenstien. Quite appropriate as I read in a local paper there recently that Padstow is now one of the most expensive places to live in the UK. Better stop there before I get on my soapbox about incomers. A very interesting thread about a very promising layout. Keep up the good work.
  16. Sign above a loo roll: The job's not finished till the paperwork's done.
  17. Just got back after a great day at Taunton. Great to meet up with one or two I already knew and to make a few new friends. Thanks to all who made it such a success. Tim for arranging the day. Andy for acting as joint auctioneer with some great items and not forgetting the kitchen crew for feeding and watering us all. Looking forward to the next meet up; do we really have to wait a whole year!
  18. After testing my diplomacy almost to it's limit, SWMBO has granted a pass out for tomorrow so barring last minute problems I will be there!
  19. A bit of a departure from the norm for you Allan,at least from the masterpieces I've seen since I've been following this thread. Strikes me there is a sort of likeness between those bridge sides and windmill sails! Edit to remove duplication.
  20. Perhaps you could DCC chip it and program it with "Did ya like tha"!
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