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Everything posted by rab

  1. rab

    EBay madness

    Admits he(she) knows nothing about trains but that's pretty obvious from the ref to 'coal carriage'!
  2. Well after 24hrs the missing network driver must have reinstalled itself, as when I turned the PC on again, hey presto I had network access. The only problem I have now is that Windows 10 email doesn't seem to like blue yonder accounts. Fortunately I already have a Gmail account but now I have the hassle of trying to remember who has my blue yonder address and making sure they now have the new one. Apart from that, I have to say the changeover hasn't been too bad (hope I'm not speaking too soon). Printed \scanner works OK. Can't say I've noticed much difference in boot up speed. Time will tell!
  3. Simples. Poke one end into washer. Reverse out to nearest points.Through run around loop to points at opposite end. Back up to washer to poke other end in!
  4. Well Windows 10 install completed in about an hour, and when I logged back in and ran Open Office it even gave me the option to recover the document I was working on so not too much lost. Only problem I now have is no internet connection. Emailed the stepson who's a bit of a wizkid on these things. He sent me some instructions, something about deleting network drivers and restarting to allow Windows to reinstall them. I followed them to the letter, or thought I did, deleted the driver I thought I was using and when I restarted not only did that one not reinstall, but most of the other network drivers have disappeared too! Can see we'll be inviting him round for a meal soon, then get him to sort it out while he is here. In the meantime it's a good job I've got the tablet.
  5. Well it's finally got me! I've been holding off installation as long as I could. Was using the PC a couple of days ago and had a pop up message saying V10 install was starting in an hour. (Didn't even realise it had downloaded, my fault I know for not changing the download settings). I closed the pop up window, carried on working and all was well. Thinking about it I probably shut down before the hour was up. Anyway, was busy working away this morning when same message pops up. Did the same, closed the window, carried on working and,you guessed, screen goes blank, message appears, windows 10 installation started. Probably means I've lost all I was doing (I know I should have paid more attention to the message). Wouldn't mind so much but was working on something I need for the weekend, and I was already behind schedule. Will probably lose another day now trying to get everything working. Anyway I'm off out to enjoy the sunshine for a couple of hours and leave Windows 10 to do its worst End of rant.
  6. North Pole depot... Does this mean that after all these years Santa's reindeer are finally being replaced by a train???
  7. There's an Austin 1300 tucked away in a garage which we're going to have to dispose of sometime fairly soon. Dad gone into a nursing home so in the process of sorting the place out prior to selling. The car was kept in near showroom condition when he was using it but hasn't moved for years. Brakes are seized on. Engine last run about 12 months ago.
  8. rab

    EBay madness

    PrettyRubbish Overall
  9. rab

    EBay madness

    Looks like their keyboard has been weathered too going by the typos in the description!The weathering's not too bad considering it was done with a bush instead of a brush.
  10. As we're in the pantomime season,"Oh yes we do" Quite appropriate really, the whole Scotsman restoration project has been a bit of a pantomime. Still I'm sure it will end with a "happy ever after". Oh yes it will, oh no it won't.
  11. rab

    EBay madness

    Perhaps it's metre gauge
  12. rab

    EBay madness

    Looks better with the face than with smoke deflectors!!!
  13. rab

    EBay madness

    They may not have lasted long enough after initial withdrawal to get in that state but I've seen a few on preserved railways not far off that.
  14. Oh I don't know, you could always blame it on the spell checker!
  15. rab

    EBay madness

    It always amazes me that sellers don't check their entries. Something like that puts me off. It gives the impression that they can't be bothered, which then leads you to think what are they going to be like to deal with. Something else which leads me to the same conclusion is poor quality photos, (dark, out of focus or wrong orientation). (End of rant)!
  16. Maybe they thought they were 'Good Wailings'.(Hat, coat, I'm running).
  17. Thanks for the response although not the sort of thing we want to hear.Of course my thoughts are with the family of the deceased, but also with the driver of 143619.
  18. Does anyone know the cause of the delays heading into Cornwall today?Went to catch a train from Plymouth and it was a bit chaotic, although the train I wanted the 12:39, left more or less on time.
  19. rab

    EBay madness

    Perhaps the lumps are meant to represent the layers of paint applied over the years.
  20. rab

    EBay madness

    Perhaps whoever did it is a member of the RMWeb Modellers Clumsy Club
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