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Status Updates posted by NXEA!

  1. Got some post delivered to me today. It was addressed to Mr Dilkington.

    1. 43179


      Chimpanzee that!

  2. I'm thinking of selling on my OO Gauge NSE era SR/3rd rail stuff if the price is right. PM me if you want to know what might be available.

  3. I'm getting sorely tempted now. If SWMBO asks, what's O Gauge?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dick Turpin

      Dick Turpin

      The appeal of O gauge is inversely proportionate to one's eyesight focusing ability.

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      O gauge, the best there is.....

    4. TT-Pete


      Cheap. :-)

  4. Must... resist... O Gauge...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. muddys-blues


      If you are thinking about it ... you are already there, come on in the water is lovely

    3. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Just keep repeating over and over: "I don't need it, I can't house it, I can't afford it anyway."

    4. Hroth


      Then it becomes "Its ME or the O gauge..."

  5. What a long week. Looking forward to having some time to myself tonight. Need to flick through RMWeb and get my modelling mojo back!

    1. tractionman


      Same here, looking forward to a bit of a break over Easter

  6. I want a Bachman Warship all of a sudden, despite them not falling into either of my main modelling interests. Must stop looking at photos of them in grotty BR blue...

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      So you like it dirty? xD

    2. Hroth


      Its just a phase.....

  7. It was 20 years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kylestrome


      Four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire

    3. steve22


      18th March 2018 minus 20 years = 1st June 1967? Gosh, I'm younger than I thought.

    4. Metr0Land


      So are they in style or out of style at the mo'?

  8. More snow! Very pleased.

    1. Horsetan


      Only going to be a light dusting down here.

  9. Why have I only just discovered Railway Bylines?

    1. Hroth


      Perhaps it was hidden under some "Wonderful Flying Scotsman" bookazines? They do tend to get a bit rampant and need culling....

    2. tractionman


      I've a soft spot for Railway Bylines, but went yesterday to buy this month's copy from the local newsagents and was put off by too many pictures of bridges and signals! Sometimes it's just too eclectic, so I bought Steam Railway instead.

  10. Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang. COYG!

  11. Snow over here in Norfolk. Very cosy.

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Shame none of it really laid.

    2. johnb


      Now wet and dripping here in Herts

    3. Satan's Goldfish
  12. I've never been a dog person, absolutely hate them. So why do I want a Mini Schnauzer all of a sudden?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KalKat


      Labradoodles....mad as a box of frogs, intelligent and a more loving and loyal animal you'll not find 9yes we do have one)

    3. Bergmann


      There are many different dog breeds and mixtures of them, but everyone has to check out for themselves what is best for them. For example, we have Golden Retrievers.

    4. Hroth


      Labradors, lovely dogs, marvellous temprament but foodaholics and impossible to keep out of water!


      Friends of ours were beginning to get funny looks from the police after theirs found a third dead body in the canal...

  13. Book on the Thaxted branch ordered. Here's hoping a J69 is announced next week...

    1. LNERGE


      You'll be needing some Hodgson's locks then.

  14. 20% off everything on eBay, fill yer boots!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NXEA!
    3. 2mmMark


      £20 min spend, one order only. £75 max discount. Ends 18:00 gmt.

    4. waggy


      Bought a DJM J94

  15. Bah humbug

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dave Goddard
    3. chriswright03


      I am in that club.

    4. Hroth


      Too late, he's seen the ghosts and come over all goody-goody!


      But yes.




  16. Supporting Arsenal is not good for your blood pressure, nor sanity.

    1. BoD


      I suspect supporting Liverpool Is even worse.

    2. Horsetan


      As a Liverpool supporter, whose senior colleague is a rabid Arsenal fan...

  17. Thank God for Aldi.

  18. Has anyone got a spare tender screw for the D16/B12/B17? Removed the tender for my B12 to fit a chip and one screw has gone walkabouts.

  19. Can someone gouge my eyes out so I can stop lustily eyeing up 009, please.

    1. Hroth


      Nope, just get it out of your system by looking at CJ Freezer Rabbit Layouts...

  20. All this talk of snow, not a flake to be seen here in Norwich.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NXEA!


      I'm gutted, I love snow! On my way to London this morning, and it appears the furthest east it got yesterday was around Ipswich.

    3. DavidR


      None in North Norfolk, either.

    4. Lu4472ke


      there was some in Suffolk


  21. Yesterday it was 12 years ago that the last slam-doors were withdrawn from the SR. Much missed, if you ask me. Still, at least we have some lovely models of them!

  22. I love Pink Floyd, but listening to them makes me exhausted afterwards.

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Top group to listen to


  23. Those MSWJR 2-4-0's are rather pretty aren't they

    1. Miss Prism
    2. mike morley

      mike morley

      I know two people who have built the whitemetal kits (ex-Cotswold?) and both found the tender was so ridiculously heavy it rendered the loco barely able to haul even a modest train.

  24. Hullo! Rapids Johnson here

    1. PhilEakins


      Cave's brother?

  25. I'm in love with my Hornby B12. There, I said it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ruffnut Thorston
    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      But does your Hornby B12 share your feelings?

    4. Hroth


      It IS a pretty thing...

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