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Everything posted by Robatron86

  1. A small update. Work has started (finally) on the road bridge. A bit rough and ready at the moment, but It'll get there.
  2. Thanks chap I have the Clever Models chimney already saved. Not sure where I will squeeze it in. The signs are really useful. Lots of those will be dotted around the place.
  3. That link is very helpful Dan. I will give that a go, and try and source some pastels. I'm glad people are liking the look of the building. Once weathered it should look perfect. Window frames and glazing added. Steps, handrails and loading dock also added. Nearly ready for weathering.
  4. Thanks for the comments chaps. I will definately try that Dan when I weather it.
  5. Well, I finished painting the main parts of the supply building last night The brick red will be toned down, but I'm not sure of the grey I have used. Any advice?
  6. Thanks Lloyd. I did a quick google search about the water tower as I wasn't 100% sure and I found the following info out: How it works: - A water tower is a simple device that uses gravity to provide water pressure. - They provide water for domestic uses and fire supply. - Most municipalities have tanks that can hold a day’s worth of water for their population. - Many New York City buildings exceed the height the infrastructure’s water pressure can handle. - Most structures taller than six stories need some sort of water tower and pump system of their own. - Water is fed to buildings through pipes in the basement. - Electric pumps push the water from the basement to roof. - It takes 2-3 hours to fill the average 10,000-gallon tank. - From the roof, gravity sends water to pipes throughout the building. - As tenants use the water, the level in the tank goes down and, just like in a toilet, a ballcock lets more in. I hope that helps
  7. I do like the CSX paint schemes, and they are on my find list, if I'm not too busy stuffing my face in Denny's! So the layout has been progressing steadily. A Walthers American Supply building kit has been butchered somewhat to become a low relief structure. The rest of the kit will be cannibalised to make other buildings. I have also got parts to make the overpass to hide the exit, namely Rix Iron Railings and some plastruct I beams. That should be completed by the end of next week hopefully. Looking after a 6 month old can considerably hinder your modelling!
  8. I have recently bought a new camera, so here are some test shots. Certainly shows up the areas that need improvement!
  9. I'm glad I have inspired you Zomboid. I've got some rolling stock available for sale if you are interested
  10. I might be able to see the FEC in action. We are staying in Orlando so fairly close.
  11. Not a fan of Twinkies. There's a shop near me that sells imported American food and they were the first things I bought. Never again
  12. Yes. I don't cope with heat well, but considering I will never be more than 4ft away from an air con unit, I'm sure I'll survive.
  13. Sadly I won't be at TVNAM now, as this week my in laws surprised me and my wife with a trip to Florida, and it happens to clash with the show. I've let Nick know.
  14. Congratulations on getting into CM Ray. I have yet to grab a copy, but I will do very soon.
  15. I knocked together a couple of low relief buildings last night. I hope they look "right". What do you think?
  16. Operational, I hadn't given it too much thought. I attached a rough scribble to explain how the rest of the line would have worked, how realistic it is I have little idea. I figured I could get away with it as many micro layouts have featured them. In the layout world, space for a second point instead of the diamond would have made the 3rd siding too short. It's almost too short as it is. So there we go. The question was valid, and I have no real answer! Haha!
  17. Thanks for the kind words chaps. There will be some green added when the ballasting has been completed. I wouldn't worry Dan. This burst of activity will be the last one for a couple of weeks. Plenty of time to catch up!
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