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Everything posted by Robatron86

  1. According to an article I found, this could be a passable representation of an SF commuter train Oh, the B unit is now motorised too
  2. I have only just found this thread and it looks great. Can't wait to see it at the Solent show in Feb.
  3. Oh that is disappointing Lloyd. I hope you do come along to the Solent show.
  4. I rather like the first plan. The only thing I would change is to widen the board to 18 inches to allow for some buildings.
  5. Cafe looks excellent. I hope your mam is ok and has a speedy recovery
  6. Thank you again. That page has been book marked for future reference. Well with the F7A/B and PA/B units I have and on pre-order, I could probably put together a couple of consists.
  7. Thank you everyone for your excellent replies. John, that is a very kind offer thank you. I shall PM you my address. I hadn't thought about MOW stock, but I do have a crane and tender on pre order from Athearn so that is an idea. Thank you Adrian for taking the time to write that very in depth reply. What sort of motive power would be heading a commuter in the fifties?
  8. That was what I was planning, a steam special, assuming it was a steam engine that pulled them.
  9. Being honest, when I started modelling NA, I had no interest in passenger operations... I think that is no longer the case. Just been adding car numbers to my baggage longe and diner cars I think that is a really nice touch by Walthers. Full sheet of decals to outfit your cars to a specific number.
  10. Quick question: What sort of time period would have these been used? My brother bought these for me a couple of christmasses ago. My google search was inconclusive.
  11. I wasn't familiar with that one, so I had a quick google. Nice looking building. Feel free to "hijack" the thread. In fact, I started the hijack!
  12. Thank you for the kind words guys. I did wonder Lloyd if you had been able to make it. I'm glad I have inspired you. Thank you for coming over and introducing yourself. Always nice to meet interweb people!
  13. So, it has finally been finished... My original plan was to gently remove the Southern Pacific lettering, but that removed the paint as well! So a repaint was in order. Washed, scrubbed and dried, then the primer went on. Flawless. Then I tried a chrome spray. Disaster. Orange peel everywhere! So that came off. Primed again and then using Revell Silver and I was finally happy. I am now extending the layout to accomodate a passenger service.
  14. Glad to have met you Claude and Nick. Thank you for the very kind words. Didn't you know Jordan? They are now using F units for demolition work
  15. Thanks Prof and Engine. The 2nd day was much better. The layout really behaved itself and people would stay and watch for 15-20 minutes! I also received 2 further exhibition invitations! Good weekend all round.
  16. Day one of the show complete and I received many favorable comments. There are a few niggles with the layout, but that is to be expected. Sole shot from the show as I was the only operator.
  17. Thanks Mark. I hope it performs as well as it looks. Thanks Chris. Yes do pop over and say hello.
  18. Do come say hello. Always a pleasure to meet fellow rm webbers. So last full day working on the layout before the weekend. I re-did the fascia as it was not straight, nor were the letters! And plenty of odd little jobs. General overview. Just praying it runs well on the day!
  19. Slowly getting there... But do you notice a problem? Yeah, me too. 30 minutes later
  20. Better shot of the unit The B unit is a dummy, and weights next to nothing, where as the A unit weighs a ton and has something called a "Super weight" according to the service sheet.
  21. Well, I had an unexpected day off today, so went and rescued the F units. And a couple of Walthers Budd carriages. And an Athearn piggy back flat wagon. So F unit A and B 37 flies through with the El Capitan whilst Alco HH1000 2312 waits with the piggy back out of the way.
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