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Everything posted by Robatron86

  1. So many good ideas! Decisions decisions! Thank you for all the ideas. Bumper to bumper traffic is a definite, as more vehicles are winging their way to me. Thank you for the highway post link Jack, I have some spare telephone poles left over which could be modified for the task. They also came with street lights so I can kit bash some of those. The link for the signs didn't work. Lovely shot of that building Ray! That is a potential idea definitely, but I don't really want to rip up the track level road as I put quite a bit of work in on that. I will have a think, over a cup of tea.
  2. Well I have just ordered some more vehicles for the bridge, because it's Christmas after all.
  3. That's what I was worried about. Hence why it is set as far back as possible. The gantry is a butchered Dapol signal gantry as I don't have the skill to build one from scratch. I think building one would be worth a go because looking at it in place, it's only ok as a highway gantry.
  4. Maybe. I'm more unconvinced by the gantry than the vehicles. It might look better in situ than on my sofa.
  5. Coat, door, gone Dan I totally agree. They are the best. So I have been trying to find a way of disguising the fact that the overbridge goes nowhere. The bus is one part of it but the other part is this: Hmmm. I'm not at all convinced.
  6. 3 of my 5 loco's for this layout are Alco's. Must be something in the water...
  7. I saw a huge DCC sound layout at the Farnham show (Falcon Road, BR blue diesels), and I have to say I'm still not sold on DCC sound personally. They all sound great, but for me I need the rumble, the rush of air as it passes, all the stuff that is impossible to accurately recreate in HO. Although I will say, and I hope I'm not shot for this, American sound locos do sound better than UK sound locos, and diesels sound much better than steam. Just my opinion of course. I would never try and talk anybody out of DCC sound.
  8. If you do bring West Allen Street, let's hope we get put together. Dat ATSF!
  9. Thanks matey I have 2 confirmed so far. The first one is at the Solent Model Railway Show, February 27th and 28th (might be a bit too far south for you mind! Details of the show http://solentmodelrailwaygroup.webs.com/modelrailwayexhibition.htm ) Second show is TVNAM in June. Are you exhibiting this year? The unconfirmed show of the year may be at the Croydon MRC show in November. Again a bit too southerly!
  10. Maybe the paint was too thick. I'll give it a go and report back. Do you mean neodymium magnets?
  11. I had a problem with disguising the magnets as these are the second set of magnets after the first batch were covered in paint and then stopped working as effectively. Further experimentation is required. Footprints will be added when I am next out in the shed and remember!
  12. I keep finding those horrible modern yellow plastic bins. I have now tried "wooden salt bins" and it looks a little more promising. Thank you for the rough dimensions. I can at least attempt to scratch build a freelance one
  13. I think the bike belongs to the warehouse manager, the one with short sleeve shirt on That is a fantastic suggestion thank you. I'm guessing the grit bins are nothing like UK ones. Could a trash can been used for such a thing? My Google search wasn't very helpful...
  14. The KB11 has been painted up. It will probably get a dusting off snow to suggest it had been in the yard all night.
  15. A fifties version of Ice Road Truckers? Now I'm having ideas..... The correct answer is....an International KB11. Made from a Wiseman whitemetal kit. Some more details have been added. Noch bicycle and Faller surge drain Another surge drain and man hole cover. (These haven't been properly installed yet) Mini Metals Greyhound Noch ladder, Wiseman trash can and Noch dog (placement of dog subject to change)
  16. Let's play...name that tractor unit! (Disclaimer: there are no cash prizes for correctly guessing the model. Maybe a half eaten pepperami, and a few toffee bonbons)
  17. No, I used the monofilament that was supplied in the kit. It doesn't have much give!
  18. I did have that concern too, but by choosing the 35 foot poles in the kit, there is ample room above and below the wires to reach in. I can also reach down from above should I need to.
  19. What a way to spend an hour or two. New fencing has been added. And the first stage of wiring has been added to the poles. (If you can even see it!)
  20. I know the feeling. N scale class 03, OO class 04, HO boxcars and a Gn15 critter all on my bench!
  21. Electrical Utility Poles...that's a whole new world to try and understand.... How it looks so far.
  22. Things have been ordered and are on their way. Namely, Blair Line manhole covers, Walthers electrical pole set, insta-fence panels, american trash cans and a International KB11 kit, both from Wiseman Models. Oh and a Mini Metals Greyhound Scenicruiser
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