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Everything posted by HeeleyBridge

  1. I've known and been watching Frank play for as long as I can remember, proud to count him as a friend. It was absolutely pouring down that day! I slipped off the trailer and landed flat on my back in the wet grass, got a great round of applause and calls for an encore. The band and a few other friends hauled me across the road to "Ye Olde Shakespeare" for plenty of medicine Guinness. I made a full recovery.
  2. Pass him some books to shove down the back of his trousers Andy, Sir has his cane out.. Quick distract him .. a real veteran rocker https://youtu.be/5Yh4clA0_34 My friend Frank White at the Heeley Festival. Oh and guess who fell off the "stage"?
  3. Those guys are really scary. Do the retirement home know they've escaped?
  4. Dad's "beautiful" Ice Blue 1961 Zephyr 6 had a bit of a problem with closing the drivers door, you had to give it a bit of a slam. One day he slammed it outside the Midland Station when dropping my Gran off, both front wings dropped off too. The got me a warm behind because I couldn't stop laughing. Six years old, underneath the Ice Blue it was wet rust. He never bought another Ford.
  5. I used a NY Thingummy jig once. The problem with it only arose later. My Thingummies were metric, but the NY jig was imperial. So I ended up with mismatched Thingummies. The moral of this story is always check your Thingummy jig carefully before pressing it into use.
  6. The seats on the upper deck of the bus seem to be facing the rear?
  7. I use telescopes and tweezers to put effalumps in matchboxes. (Beans duly spilt)
  8. Well Jeff, I would tell you where I'd been today but I would incur another detention. I managed to get a ride on a tram to the east end of Sheffield to a shop with which you are well acquainted. I spent money and am very happy to have got what I need to fix what was not right. Price lists for more purchases were picked up.
  9. Plastikard is the name that Slater's used for it's styrene sheet Peter. Now it's often used as a general name for all plastic card / styrene sheet.
  10. 7mm dressed stone looks positively tiny compared to most of the blocks used around Sheffield, and looks nothing like the prototype. Interesting photo here http://s6.postimg.org/ehrhhxj6p/City.jpg which would make an interesting scenic break for a layout. The lower level bridge gives access to the L.N.W.R / L.M.S. City Goods station (left hand end) with it's hydraulic lifts.
  11. An action photo at last. (Never any action shots of Jeff though, conspiracy theories anyone?) Looking better than mine did after 15 years, mind I had a big hole one and a half big holes in the middle of mine filled with 4,500 gallons of water and a dozen or so Koi, plus filters, pumps, pipework, sheds, a wonky path, and a 7" pot of pansies on a couple of bricks for a bit of colour. Happy days. All gone now had to be filled and levelled when we moved.
  12. Boots on sticks hmm.. 48 for 4 ? It's about time certain England players were made to hang their boots on sticks. Why do I listen to such embarrassing cricket? Because I'm a masochist English dammit! It's good to hear Henry Blofelt though, he cheers me up no end.
  13. Why do I have visions of Jeff dressed as Yosemite Sam, six shooters in hand, blasting away in all directions whilst yelling *"I HATES RABBITS" *cue Eddie Cochran Dave Edited just to say I didn't get any typos at all. This keyboard is learning slowly
  14. Don't know much about keeping the little perishers out Jeff, but we used to have trouble keeping them in. Old stone slabs reclaimed from an old footpath stood on end in a trench 30" deep underneath solid fences certainly slowed the little perishers down a bit. I should explain that through the 50s and 60s my parents bred and showed rabbits. Perhaps why I have never eaten rabbit. When the New Zealand white does were out even the dog stayed in the house, as the rabbits were almost as big as the westie and far more aggressive. Dave edit durned fingers.
  15. I can only say that I have three kids, one girl, two boys and they don't get any better as they grow up, just bigger. As they moved out I told them that I'd rented out their rooms they ignored me. I now have seven grandkids, My daughter has a boy (19), currently at uni and twin girls (9). No1 son has a girl (6) and son (3). No2 son has two boys 8 and 6. No1 son lives very close so we see his kids most, if they all turn up together it's chaos. I wouldn't swap them for anything (or so SWMBO tells me). The youngest grandson loves train crashes, what can I say? I voted PRIVY too, but nobody ever takes any notice of me (see above)
  16. Hi Jason The capacity of the tank would work out at round about 22,500 gallons and 112 tons. Dave
  17. Congratulations Jason and Sofia. My grandkids will be here soon, so I have a busy day ahead. Granddaughter wants to paint a lineside hut and some little people for her railway, grandson will be crashing toy cars into everything and generally being loud. Granddad will be general dogsbody and loving every minute.
  18. Not Little Chef related, but in 1975 we ventured over the pennines to the custom bike show at Belle Vue. Six teenage lads in an ancient kn@ckered Ford Thames van three piece suite sliding about in the back, the usual sort of thing. Great night was had by all, called in Stockport on the way back for beer, chips & curry, more beer got invited for a lock in and finally hit the road again about 1am. The snake pass was very interesting. It was almost as foggy outside the van as it was getting inside . The lights (2 candle power at least) were useless so we were down to walking pace. Having the windows open wasn't nearly enough ventilation, so some bright spark decided we could get more if we opened the back doors. We only had to stop twice to lift an armchair and it's sleeping 'passenger' back in twice. Ah, the joys of youth.
  19. Before my Dad retired I used to go out with him on deliveries from time to time. His idea of a treat was a Little Chef pineapple pancake. Over twenty years ago now, but still a happy memory of good times shared with my dad (he died suddenly in 97 only 18 months after retirement).
  20. I was asked to "remove my headgear or I would be barred and removed from the premises" the 'West End Live' in town about 10 years ago. As I was there working and doing them a favour (their microphones, cables and stands had been stolen the previous evening), I had taken mine along at 30 minutes notice from the band (who were friends of mine from out of town) and the pub were paying me to be there it would be a bit silly. The stetson stayed on. The nine piece band complete with brass section (and a variety of pork pie hats) packed the place and a good night was had by all. I did however ban myself from ever going there again, as did my friends in the band (which remains anonymous to protect the innocent ). Dave
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