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Everything posted by luckymucklebackit

  1. Have you even tried to get that last piece of chicken off a Satay Stick without a fork? Something along those lines but with a higher degree of difficulty
  2. Nothing from the Scot-Rail Group, but WNXX came up with this link showing which 08s made it to TOPS numbering still in green livery, just need to work out which were Scottish Locomotives http://web.archive.org/web/20160423123153/http://www.railblue.com/rail_blue_history_2.htm I thought that Railblue had gone to the great website graveyard but the wayback machine has saved at least some of it. Jim
  3. Air Force 1 will be hanging about the UK next weekend, ask Donald if he wouldn't mind letting it go to Moscow while he is playing golf at Turnberry!
  4. Hi Martyn - I have stuck a message on the Scot-Rail enthusiasts site to request any info, cant guarantee a response but as the advert says "every little helps". Jim
  5. Since I've Been Loving You - Led Zeppelin
  6. Arlene Fosters proposed new railway bridge from Scotland* to Ireland hits a snag even before the gauge issue is identified Jim *yes this old chestnut has been resurrected https://news.sky.com/story/dup-leader-arlene-foster-calls-for-scotland-ireland-bridge-11422273
  7. Glasgow Works open day on 27th June 1981 and this is one of the two class 314 coaches involved in the accident on the 5th of June 1980 at Hyndland, not sure if it is 314203 or 314215 Jim
  8. Thanks Martyn - perfect! Jim
  9. Hi Martyn - Missed the last few posts due to the holidays - the new track is looking great. Quick question - what do you use for your stonework on the road bridge etc, I am looking to try and move away from brick paper for future projects and this looks like the sort of stuff I would like to use. Thanks Jim
  10. Surprised that D7612 is not included as this is a preserved example, would have snapped that one up as it was the loco that hauled me on my first trip to Fort William in 1966, and therefore would have been appropriate for my layout. Maybe a later issue. Jim
  11. The Walthers kit is indeed quite big, as I have had to rejig my track layout to accommodate one. You need a minimum space of 12" x 9" for one, the span is 6" and you need about 2" clear space either side for the stanchions. Jim
  12. Would be an more appropriate model if Bachmann made it, they don't meet delivery targets either......
  13. Wonder where the Pink Floyd Pig is now, would make a suitable companion
  14. Or a NBL D27xx would also be nice, but equally unlikely Jim
  15. Doesn't leave much time for speculation!
  16. Dammitt - I was just going to send that charm dealer my bank details too!
  17. Hi Martyn - Will do once I get the track down, as you can see from subsequent posts some features of the plan have had to be re-drawn Jim
  18. Actually - if they do win the World Cup we will have the satisfaction of saying that they did it with the help of a Scotsman (and an ex Airdrie Player at that!) https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/44717631 Jim
  19. Hi Martyn - great photos. Thought you might be interested in this one from Eastbank MRC, it appeared on Facebook recently http://www.eastbank.org.uk/images/Swindon/UK1223.jpg Some good detail of the end of the unit. Jim
  20. Tried the bridge in place last night just to see how it will look, I had feared that it might look wrong, but I was encouraged by the general arrangement, so onwards and very much upwards! The "Plan for the Inglenook now finalized" was a bit presumptuous, as when I opened up the Walthers Kit for the travelling crane I discovered that the span was greater than expected, and that additional clearance was required for the side stanchions. This resulted in a prolonged period of head scratching and shuffling about, the photos below show how I had to re-jig the configuration to fit round the travelling crane. I was also forced into using a set-track point that I had in the odds and ends box to get round the edge of the crane, this should not be an issue as there will only be 4 wheel goods stock and small locomotives taking the turnout curve of the point, saved a few quid too as one of the aims of this project is to use up as much material surplus to previous projects as possible.. The outline of the crane supports is drawn in green, with the track centres in black, as you can just make out the original position of the crossover was directly under the buttress steelwork. This will be how eventually the bridge will interact with the inglenook board, each will be removable from the main layout, the idea being that once I have these two sections complete I am planning to build a frame that would support these two sections with a bit on the end as a sector plate/fiddle yard so that the Inglenook would work as a standalone layout. Really hoping that the temperature drops a little as it is just too warm to work in the loft comfortably, I sawed the board to shape after taking these shots and ended up knackering myself Jim
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